Monday, February 14, 2011

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Ladies and Gentlemen .... Sunday is past history.
E 'past history on the streets patrolled by dozens of women.
E 'past history in the hearts and faces of those people who are armed with dignity and went to spit in the face of the power that they do not fit.
E 'passed despite the carousels of "thinkers" who considered anachronistic and even ridiculous event.
I read the opinion of some "free thinker" who wondered if he should still shouting slogans in the streets in the twenty-first century.
I would like the columnist did the same declaration in front of hundreds of Egyptians who have come to shoot their voices heard.
I wish the events of women, real women, not those that are cast into the political and show business today, women who live next to me and have taught this "man" a plenty of real life, there was every week. I'd like to sound the charge in the face of those who profess trombones for freedom and equality and then they take very little seriously any social policy initiative of the "fairer sex". Those hypocrites of the "quote rosa" as the phrase " Behind a great man there is always a great woman " than anything else I think is the most 'great whore of 900. I'd like to make them afraid, because this is the only reason for their skepticism. FEAR.
I have not attended the event not because I thought that it was not business for me, I'm not concerned. But only because I am convinced that women can do without me. That my place is my place. I have nothing to teach them. Even as the insurgency becomes, like so many other pretend to do. I'm glad that macho feeling of security displayed by all people in all settings, for a Sunday it is flawed. Keep it up. Do not let the matter be limited to a Sunday. I say this man, trying not to be hypocritical. I have my faults and I certainly do not usurp the place of a "feminist" and I hope that no woman hear these words as ridiculous, rhetorical or anything else.
I'd like to say to women who were in the square Sunday, of any race, political orientation, religion, social class, in short, THANK YOU to all. Thank you so much because
you are a breath of fresh air in this country by feelings shrunken. Thank you for
said honestly, have shown that probably the point where we're only a woman can get a lesson in dignity.


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