Monday, January 31, 2011

Printer Make Scented Paper Car



Rome: it is true I promised that I would never talk of Inter, but when a new player arrive on Saturday and Sunday comes when his team is losing two to zero and with a brace and a penalty will make them win the game, well worth the two lines!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Red Capillaries In Eye


by Tiziano De Martino

Great cast!
Rome: start by saying that Inception is a great movie, but not the best I've ever seen, and even the best I've seen in recent times and this for one simple reason: I Inception to long stretches I have not got it! And I challenge also those that have incensed as the best film of the year to explain most of the steps. Inception is in fact a very complex film that I think deserves to be appreciated fully, a second and third minimum vision if not consulting a guide to the film, with this however is not to say that Christopher Nolan film does not deserve to be seen, even for those who loves cinema is required to see it, but it should be clear up front that you will find yourself in front of a movie "stubborn" and a visionary who reminded me in some ways the first Matrix. Honestly I can not go into more detailed talks a bit 'because this is not my kind of film a little 'because any attempt to deeper analysis of the same might be superficial, however, given the complexity of the story. The only things I can say are:

- Christopher Nolan : Is it really a big (and young) director and screenwriter who has a filmography of all his respect that goes to The Prestige Memento through the two Batman: Inception While I saw I could not help but think what might have been difficult to write the screenplay and how it has been difficult to explain the whole project to the producer. Faced with so much creativity and skill I take off my hat ...

- Leo Di Caprio : it is truly a giant of cinema! The former boy wonder of the Titanic is now in my opinion one of the best, if not the best, players in the film world, expressive, mature, convincing Leo has made a dramatic leap in quality and if I liked it so much here in Departed was just amazing. My congratulations are extended to the entire cast, however.

- The final : compared to the whole network that has characterized the film was a bit 'trivial in the sense that was what was expected without any surprises or plot twists. A wink to the audience after severely tested throughout the film screening.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Salvage Snowmobiles For Sale In Michigan



Rome : with Orvieto open officially a new section of the blog dedicated to my little and big trips where I will tell in a very simple and above all without the use of wikipedia and co. my feelings and my feelings about the places visited.

(my) history : Orvieto until Wednesday, there was once a Saturday in late November several years ago during the retreat pre-pre-communion and confirmation, ran the 'year 2003, I was twenty-eight years and was at the end of a rather complex spiritual journey that I had approached the church, I had the urge to "recover" the sacraments lost during adolescence and that I will certainly not here to tell . That 'only time I had been visiting the famous Duomo and I had confessed to my friend as we walked Aleardo serene esplanade in front of the church.

Maria incuriosita da una delle sculture

Prime impressioni : tornandoci dopo otto anni la prima cosa che ho notato è stata la (mia) rivalutazione delle distanze e degli spazi. Le distanze: Orvieto allora mi era sembrata molto più distante mentre da Roma ci si arriva con un'oretta e mezza ad andatura tranquilla percorrendo l'Autostrada Roma – Firenze che è davvero una bella strada, tutta dritta, asfaltata e per lunghissimi tratti a tre corsie. Gli spazi: nel 2003 il Duomo e la piazza su cui campeggia mi era sembrato di una vastità quasi immensa, mentre rivedendolo ora ha invece tutte le caratteristiche di una chiesa di discrete proporzioni inserita all'interno di un piazzale non molto grande e dispersivo come ricordavo.

Parcheggio : i parcheggi nel centro storico della cittadina sono quasi tutti riservati (anche giustamente) ai residenti, quelli blu a pagamento non sono molti e pur essendoci stato di mercoledì e non nel week-end trovarne di liberi non è stato semplice.

Indicazioni : Not always clear, but the center is so small that in the end everything is turning round and round.

Mai on Wednesday : Orvieto is virtually deserted on Wednesday afternoon! The stores, all, from bars to bookstores through tobacconists and restaurants are all closed, so if you want to do some 'shopping is better to go in another day of the week. Despite this, with my trusty (and curious) travel companion we managed to do some shopping in the balance: a coat for her and a scarf for me really a great price.

Brrr...che freddo!
La giornata : arrivati sul posto io e Maria abbiamo iniziato a girare per i vicoli ed i vicoletti che si intrecciano furiosi man mano che ci si avvicina al centro del paese che fonda (quasi) tutto il suo turismo sul famosissimo Duomo che però il mercoledì pomeriggio, come il resto dei servizi, rimane chiuso. Le strade sono molto curate e pulite e di fianco ai negozi più caratteristici (come botteghe artigianali, taverne ed hosterie) sono presenti panchine forgiate in legno che rappresentano of real works of art: we have different pictures and I must say all very nice, from those depicting Bacchus with those of animals or the seasons. The creator of these "sculptures" of wood in my opinion should be one because almost all showed the same style and even the same character that is a rich kid that I have to say a little 'like me. The fact that at 14:00 o'clock in the shops have closed a bit 'has limited our visit, but despite this we could see some shops one of which is very beautiful: "The World of Oz", a small laboratory Carillion figurines, miniatures games and tin really fascinating. The arrival of rain has unfortunately forced to retreat early, just in time to throw an eye to the Well of Saint Patrick and the station with the cable cars that if it was good weather I would certainly try.

Maria delighted by the "World of Oz"
The kitchen : as has happened in all previous trips with Maria (Bologna, Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia and Ponza) the task of choosing the place to eat it again touched her, and this per un semplice fatto: Maria non sbaglia un colpo! Sceglie sempre dei posti fantastici, belli esteticamente e soprattutto dove si mangia benissimo; ed Orvieto da questo punto di vista non fa eccezione perchè il bar – ristorante “Big – Bar” che ha scelto alla fine si è dimostrato nella sua semplicità davvero un successo in termini di qualità del cibo e di prezzi. Io per combattere il freddo e la pioggia ho scelto una zuppetta di farro, Maria un'insalata greca ed insieme ci siamo presi i crostoni al forno con salsiccia tipici del posto; la zuppa buona davvero servita con formaggio e crostini di pane, l'insalata fresca servita con focaccia ed infine i crostoni che ci hanno mandato in tilt le papille gustative! Questo più acqua, coca-cola ed un caffè ginseng meno di venti euro. E brava Maria...

Ci somigliamo vero?
Conclusioni : intorno alle tre del pomeriggio , dopo quasi quattro ore da turisti, siamo tornati verso casa perchè la temperatura è scesa sensibilmente e la pioggia stava ricominciando a scendere. Orvieto tutto sommato mi è piaciuta nonostante non siamo stati “meteorologicamente” fortunati e nonostante abbiamo scelto il wrong day to visit. The local people have shown all very nice and helpful, the prices of services are very affordable and a choice of restaurants and places to go fairly broad. Of course being a village perched on a mountain to visit him for good advice to wear comfortable shoes and good calves. That said, being a small town Orvieto very distinctive, easily accessible and not far from Rome, for a trip outside the council without too much stress.

Footnotes : Thank you Maria for the pleasant company and sense of direction. Time to write the article 18 minutes listened to music while writing, "Owl City - Ocean Eyes."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Modl List Australia 2010


Dylan Dog - The Poster
Rome: after many years of waiting (to be precise since "Dellamorte Dellamore ") finally released in March the first film dedicated to the famous Italian comics character Dylan Dog , as sales second only to Mickey Mouse in the peninsula, so it is natural that has developed around this new project as a great curiosity by many fans (including myself) and not. The thing that leaves me so disappointed and puzzled, however, is that the Moviemax I would have expected much more in terms of EVERYTHING! who acquires the rights to a comic Italian (and I repeat now the best known) it should at least go and learn a little about the characters, plots, suggestions and the main features of the comic itself! What still has not taken place however. Because if there had been a little more in-depth study of comics Bonelli certainly would not have seen on screen starring Brandon Routh , which perhaps was good to impersonate Superman, but not just for Dylan Dog cock! Dellamorte Dellamore had chosen at least in the Rupert Everett that inspired Claudio Villa when you had to face and a physicality to the character created by Tiziano Sclavi, Groucho and we want to talk? we could not do it because Groucho in the movie because there is no copyright on the character too expensive! then we are left in place to act as a shoulder to Dylan Sam Huntington noted that with the assistant Dylan we really just guesses. Craven Road in London, then moving to Hell's Kitchen in New Orleans, and finally the beetle has become white because the black beetle white film can be only Walt Disney's Herbie! and then add another JUDAS DANCER? nothing else even il giuda ballerino stesso perchè la famosa affermazione dell'indagatore dell'incubo in fase di montaggio è stata tolta...

Vinyl Records Posting Envelopes


Roma : dopo più di un anno finalmente Hoster (dopo Vimeo) sbarca anche su youtube; risolti i problemi di copyright audio da oggi sarà possibile infatti vedere le bizzarre gesta del Pompa e del  Cobra  anche sulla piattaforma video più visitata del web. Se passate di la lasciateci un click. 

P.S. purtroppo la stessa cosa non è stata possibile with "The Evil that goes and in yourself" on youtube for copyright issues can be seen only with no audio!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Geoffrey Douglas Maitland


is not the prediction of a ticket but ...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bear Trap Saw And How It Works


... you still only have a little patience ...