Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Windows Live Messenger Error 8007007f

comes every day (Conati # 6) in January

comes in every day that passes next to someone for some time and it seems solid there.
This comes in mind you can count on the people who count on you, and can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are generally transported by the same current in your water when bathing prohibition is absolute. Bathers in an open sewer. You pass by and not everyone can take you. Some have funny faces and talk about different accents. They see life differently live, suffer and love differently. We are all just tell you, hand in hand. And you learn to smile in their eyes. And you can look, but never under your shoulders. The water is too murky to see what's underneath. And the cold, cold solitude of this incessant busy, this bathing among the shit and people will have the body numb. You have been numbed by the soles of the feet to shoulders. And so, in addition to not see how they are to your knees, say, or thighs, or your peas, you can not even hear them, and you do not realize that you slowly devoured them.
So in comes every day someone it will pass next to you some time and there seems solid.
only that, they came ashore, none of us would have more feet to walk on land.
And then, perhaps, it is worthwhile to swim alone.


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