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Riserva75 Awards - The statuette |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Do All State License Have Hologram
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Southpark Cartman Grand Canyon Yellow
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Special edition for 50 years Anniversary " |
Pain In Testicle When I Bend Down
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doc to a Milan court Moratti |
Rome: a feeling to me is nice. Leo is a young, serious, intelligent, trained, educated and elegant. For now this is enough for me to get a new thrill of excitement after the boredom and pessimism of recent times. Then, as always, will be the field to judge ...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Example Of Mercantile Business Letter
Sunday, December 19, 2010
3m Mt Projector Mikro
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Puzzle Virtual Villager The Secret City
Rome: and believe me I have things to say ...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Chef's Jacket Double Cross
Tre a zero secco per il Dittatore....
Monday, November 22, 2010
Integrated Intel Extreme Multiple Monitor
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Letter For Appartment
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Buy Things With Debit Card
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Schizophrenia Treatment 1950's
A chilled glass of iced brancamenta.
The glass is also yes, I was stuck in the freezer, I knew that I would be helpful.
A hot July. Damn, a month and a half hours and did not utter a word of what I mean? time, of course. What else the hell you want to talk with this hot murderess.
time already. What neither I nor the insects we have. I do because things are moving forward in geometric progression: I make it a pop up three more. Them because I made them all out, but also in their progessione geometric kill a mosquito will pop up three others, and potentially even more pissed off than before: they will mica family.
Like insects, already. Belli there to enjoy the twenty minutes of survival, just realize that they are buzzing, all of which are concentrated there to learn to flap their wings, all excited to think how nice I make this noise, this hum hum hum could almost call it buzzing, humming And I think really the ideal Splatch The War. Rebel Without a Cause, or crushed fate voi.
Giusto perché quel ronzio rompe proprio le palle, oppure perché non è esattamente piacevole ritrovarsi con uno di quei bubboni pruriginosi addosso.
E intanto il karma peggiora. Sì, anche peggio di così.
E intanto chissenefrega.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Motorbike Birthday Party
I do not want publicized. .. but I want to do ... basically this is my blog. I therefore only do what the fuck I like.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Malm Occasional Table Montreal
If a journalist says that shooting is just earning money. His publisher (Chairman of the Board) is happy and once he gets sucked for the umpteenth time the gonads probably will give the director a good sop of sorts. But he professes to "free". So because I like "free" and the common citizen when I say that it would be fair to shoot a dictator or a president who hides his shady business never mind the people (whose sole purpose the assumption of power, exercised that power the damn door on the right people much hay in the barn even in spite of the simplest rules of human social life) I run the risk of being arrested, imprisoned and accused of terrorism?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
How To Take A Sublingual Tablet
In questa strana ma non nuova dimensione onirica, quello che ci vuole è definitely a good whiskey, maybe an old Sumerian number of years, perhaps with much of that turf him to make you think that no, you're drinking whiskey, it is just that, in the confusion, I have given a piece of coal and you have started suck.
Stillman's Freckle Cream- Benefits
Write, write what the fuck you want. Writing for television, write about you, fuck that remedies under a bridge or under a streetlight. But, by God, write well. Choose your words, do not pull them at random in the middle of a sentence just because you like the sound but can not remember their meaning. It is not a word that is difficult and elegance of another only because they know it in three. Maybe because of those three you are not there. They are only words inappropriately. You should have, would you LEAST could, buy, rent or just search on goggle, a lousy dictionary.
Ah, yes, it takes more than three three neurons to understand what is read. On a definition of a dictionary may be in fact an insurmountable difficulty, especially since, if any, may have more complicated words so as to force them to further use of that dictionary, thus triggering a chain reaction which could last in line entirely theoretical mind you, ad infinitum.
construction. The hermetic, holy souls, and others before them, we have said repeatedly, taught that stravolgere la costruzione di una frase si può, anzi quasi si deve, se si vuole mettere in evidenza una parola, una virgola, anche soltanto uno spazio, una pausa. Ma, allora, perché t'ostini, con perseveranza e pertinacia, a costruire le frasi a cazzo soltanto perché il discorso assume un tono più sostenuto. IO, questo, proprio non lo capisco. Un soggetto dopo quattordici subordinate si può fare, sì. Se sei De Andrè, magari, te lo puoi anche permettere. Se sei il citto del poro schifoso, magari, PENSACI. Perché non sempre la maggioranza sta, magari, qualche volta la maggioranza si schifa e ti manda affanculo, dove cioè, peraltro, ti meriti di andare.
E ora è ora di chiudere.
E soprattutto non t'inventare cazzate, che poi, da vecchio, le paghi.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Letter For Appartment Application
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Denice Milani Pool Clip
Introduction .. I'm not entirely.
I really enjoyed to watch the conquest of the Champion's League by Inter's training. The fact that they were fasting of victories in recent years has amplified the feeling of triumph. On the other jurisdiction by the football, I can only say that Milito is really fun, and see the whole of this period I enjoy playing football. Also wonderful choreography of the fans at the stadium. But I would not be a pain in the ass if you simply explained that I enjoyed. At some point during the evening with a link to the cathedral square in Milan. Do you see the square. Crowded? More ... invaded. At that time there was not even thinking but a question of Mr. Giancarlo, whole heart in more than half a century, watching the game with me, or rather I stayed at home to watch the game, let me thoughtfully. "Have you ever seen a crowd like that in a demonstration for the job?". Waiting to see 50 thousand people interested in the world and to their status as citizens the same ... inter compliments .. nice playing tournament .. and win.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Glasgow Cruising Spots
Sono tutti morti. E tu che diavolo ci fai ancora qui. No, niente, è solo che mi veniva di scrivere qualcosa su di un fiume nero e su di una luna gialla che c'ha provato ma proprio non ce l'ha fatta a diventare piena. Su qualcosa che doveva succedere. Di giornate campali, lunghe schifose con un chiodo piantato sulla lancetta dei secondi . Ma poi su quel niente non c'è molto da dire. E allora. Un respiro profondo. Non ce ne sono poi molte di cose di cui valga la pena di scrivere. Non c'è nemmeno più il gusto di riavvolgere il nastro per riascoltare quella canzone. REW STOP PLAY non sono ancora arrivato REW STOP PLAY non still shit FFW REW STOP PLAY STOP PLAY here now, yes. The digital age has taken away the sense of expectation and desire to try. Pick a number and press a button double click. What is the point. Comfort. I have never used a DVD scene selection. A film I watch it all, by God, and in the right direction, but Memento. And do not try to break my balls. but give me a bucket of popcorn.
A blog published in MC LP CD. A blog by copying and be transformed into emmepittrè. The quality will not suffer that much, are, however, always been very low-fi. I've always been in favor of a burning aware. It is important to properly protect themselves and know exactly what you want.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
2010 Modl Immigration
" ...quello che mi chiedo, a volte, e adesso è proprio una di quelle volte, è cosa cazzo ci faccio ancora qui."
Mi guardasti stupita. Come se tu non l'avessi capito da un pezzo che razza di merda io fossi. Lo sapevi, e nonostante questo avevi avuto l'incoscienza di credere che avresti potuto cambiarmi.
"...quello che mi sconvolge, a volte, e adesso è proprio una di quelle volte, è che le donne del terzo millennio non abbiano ancora capito che gli uomini non cambiano."
Credevi di potermi redimere, credevi che lavorandoci avresti potuto farmi tornare sulla retta via, farmi abbandonare questa mia vita fatta vice, a colossal hangover, fuck in the processes of the worst clubs in the city, a fierce wake up at three in the afternoon.
"... what I believe now is that you did not want to change anything. In fact, my being rubbish, my being a shit, was the only thing that attracts you. If I had really changed, as if I You told a million times I pulled out the diamond hidden inside me, now that you would be bored, that you ask what the fuck are we still doing here, you'd make me the speech that I'm doing. "
Here's what you wanted: save then be able to say I did it, to tell about how I had pulled out of alcoholism and all the other crap in my life. I still remember when you arrived home I was quite delighted with that stronzissima shirt and told me that I had set a job interview. I went to the interview, yes, one of the usual T-shirts and one of my best booze. The shirt is still hanging in the closet, if I was a little 'shit I could not give it away to the poor.
"... what you should do now is put in a box all of your junk and remove the noise. By the way, take back the shirt. I do not need. Give her the poor."
Monday, May 10, 2010
Is It Illegal To Burn P90x Dvd
I do not accuse the breath of storm
riappiccato that the flame of my chest
besieged and then held tight
and then the more gentle
I know I do not regret the flight of the fly
that pushes the wings against the glass in the sun
that, like Icarus , because he wants to burn
touch lamps lit, set the fire in his pocket
Seeing the light in the hands of you
smile, speak and say things trivial
even lift up levees
useless against the thought that floods every hour tomorrow
I love and I Why fear
love in your mouth
bitter soul hold me close between the teeth and
are five, ten and twenty are
hundred years that are wrong and do not learn: how hard
stingy. Why
love in your mouth
bitter soul hold me close between the teeth and
are five, ten and twenty are
hundred years that are wrong and do not learn: how afraid
I go out with you col viso d’ogni giorno
ma mi nascondo dentro un turbine radioso
mi chiudo in petto un male insidioso
che non ha cura:
io amo ed ho paura
E non rimpiango la vita d’ogni giorno
cui indifferentemente passo affianco
e incomprensibilmente non mi stanco
di questa mia tortura:
io amo ed ho paura
E non accuso la bellezza straordinaria
che mi sprofonda scafandro in fondo al mare
solo vorrei prima che manchi l’aria
capire se tu mi potrai amare
prima di soffocare
se tu mi puoi amare
Perché è amaro nella tua bocca amore
sentirsi l’anima stretta fra i denti
scavate gallerie, gettate ponti
are a hundred years I live with fear
This pain pants and overwhelms
danzalo love, do not go back
overwhelm any fear of love and kiss me with your sweet tooth and give me a
... kiss with your mouth sweet
Indian Reception Hair Styles
A moment of beauty
Monday, May 3, 2010
G Shock Under 50 Dollars
.. I do not know ...
Another time an economic system kneels a nation and sentenced to life in debt with his neighbors who happen to jostle to send money. Of other nations are preparing for the collapse. And strength to help each other we will probably end all in this dark abyss. I saw people in the streets set fire to rubbish bins as their last resort to saying "do not want to be crushed" and numbered among the anarchists news jammers.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Westernchikan Groping
too tired even just to know, to be tired. At the end of yet another day. When the fuck summer comes, by God. But, above all, someone told that guy up there, decide what the weather, which would, at least, spring? And okay, I have to take the car tomorrow. So now I am on the canvas, stop me if I try to offer him a drink. At least then I make the balloon: and they are dicks.
What was I saying? Ah, yes: tired.
little to say, too much to do. A ball game: I look like a ball game. And there is even hope that there is multiball or how the fuck it was called when they were down three balls together, which I did not understand more than a cock and then I ended up all down. And blasphemy never understood what the fuck that shit served of multiball.
will be the spring, no one told you, so I know I do tuttto I, as usual. It will be the spring, I said, I also see why you people are all a bit 'more tired. And 'the insane desire to leave that always takes us to April. E 'the desire to take the brain and download it there, with your watch, close up shop, a cordial greeting and disappear for at least two weeks. With the alarm sound, with the usual pain in the ass who does not call.
It's not a case, you know, right now you start thinking to the test suit for next summer. It 'just that we would be at sea now. I begin to think that the autonomy of the human average is three months. They should make the long four years, more than twelve. Three months of work, beautiful, fresh and productive, and then a holiday. Come on, it's not just bullshit: let's think for a moment, as is the relationship, including Sundays and friends, is yes and no one to ten.
Do as you like, to me, does not seem right a saw.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Facial Nerve Exercises
I think that now as the "period immigrant rapes of "the newspapers have found something that is quite particular stock. Therefore, intellectual fairness, I take the news as it comes. This morning on the Turin daily La Stampa read the following article .
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fear Of Having A Tooth Extracted
The messenger of the story about the Vatican says that.
Hamsters Rectal Prolapse
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
What Is Better Bahamas Or Aruba
Lo shopping rende felici oppure no? Nessuno può dirlo in via generale, è una domanda a cui ognuno risponderà in modo diverso. L'atto di acquisto non rappresenta solo la manifestazione di un bisogno fisico ma anche di uno stato d'animo personale. Detto questo, va comunque considerato l'effetto "Ulisse", ossia la tentazione di fare qualcosa di cui poi ci si debba pentire. Ognuno deve imparare a riconoscere l'esistenza dei propri comportamenti impulsivi e prevenirli. In gioco c'è il denaro nel proprio portafoglio. Poiché lo shopping è una spesa, ossia una riduzione del vostro reddito, è buona norma valutare attentamente ogni aspetto prima di acquistare un qualsiasi prodotto. Proviamo a buttare giù un some practical advice:
- Never buy pulse. If you like to avoid buying a product immediately. Take 24 hours before doing so, and if you're still the same idea will mean that you really want.
- Compare prices. Competition between stores, hypermarkets and companies could save hundreds of euro each month. It 'a good idea to keep your receipt to compare the weekly shopping or take note of prices in different shops before buying a TV, an appliance or any other expenditure on durable goods. In the case of cars is always convenient to get at least 3-4 quotes from different dealers even the same brand. Sellers have margins of 5-10% discount to be applied on the price list and using the basis of the bargain sale.
- Avoid disposable. The disposable products are cheap but cause great amount of waste thrown into landfills or burned in incinerators.
- Avoid bulky packages. products packaged package with large, colorful and are made useless just to get an emotional purchase. Add nothing to the quality of the product by filling in a few minutes your garbage bag. Facilitating the purchase of products with packaging well rationalized will give a strong signal to manufacturers.
- Avoid goods from far away. goods produced in distant places can also have a lower price (eg in some countries the cost of labor is less), saving you. In fact, a purchase like this also implies negative effects: (a) the transport of goods generates more pollution. Local products are very close to the consumer and can help you increase local employment and help to reduce pollution from transport. (B) to encourage countries with low labor costs or lower employment protection increases forms of child exploitation in developing countries (Eg, the balls made by children in some Asian countries).
- the purchase directly from small farmers. you live in a condo? Formed a consumer group to purchase agricultural products, fruits, vegetables and vegetables directly from the small peasant farmers of the surrounding countryside to your city many euro saving on weekly shopping. Purchase prices will be considerably lower, thus helping local employment and the work of small farmers often exploited by large retailers.
- Create a group purchase. consumers have great power over the business but also the great disadvantage di essere isolati tra loro e quindi molto deboli. Provate a formare un gruppo di consumo di 15-20 persone, meglio se condomini in quanto avrete comunque modo di vedervi periodicamente per discutere anche altri argomenti. Contattate gli esercenti sotto casa o anche i piccoli supermercati chiedendo una convenzione o uno sconto sulla spesa offrendo loro in cambio di praticare gli acquisti presso la loro attività. Il loro interesse sarà immediato. Formando un gruppo di consumo potrete anche decidere di acquistare beni di consumo durevole presso lo stesso esercente in cambio di un forte sconto per tutti. Esempio decidere tutti di acquistare un medesimo TV color, frigorifero, una tenda per il balcone ecc. dallo stesso negoziante o installatore. In questi casi è sufficiente also be 4-5 people to get a big discount on the total expenditure.
- Reuse shopping bags. The argument is contradictory, while the use of paper bags can not be used as biodegradable plastic, and could be the other causes an increased cutting of trees to produce them. Best to use plastic bags can reduce their environmental impact. For example, using them to dispose of household trash or reuse them for subsequent expenditure. There are partially biodegradable plastics have a higher cost but allow a lower environmental impact. Ask your supermarket to use them. The best solution is however that easier and affordable for everyone: you buy a canvas bag and use it instead of plastic bags. Will thereby avoid the problem once and for all, the canvas bag can be reused for years and some have wheels like the old shopping carts of our grandmothers. A step back and make many forward.
- Recycle bottles of losing. Buying bottles of losing promotes the recycling of glass and reduces the amount of plastic bottles in the trash.
- Avoid the packaging of vegetables. fruits and vegetables sold loose without packaging and will let you touch the product and save the packaging. These cause a great deal of waste at the end of the cycle of consumption.
- Exchange newspapers and periodicals with colleagues and friends. Any newspaper or magazine paper consumption, or cut trees in some parts of the world. Often you buy a newspaper to read only a few pages, instead of throwing it lend to a colleague or friend. If you do not need the insert that are matching the paper can also reject it, rejected the inserts are returned to the publisher of the newspaper that, sooner or later, you may decide not to attach more.
- Use the cooler. The purchase of frozen products should be standardized by a cooler that can maintain a low temperature. From the moment you put them in the cart at the time in which they store in your freezer can take several hours. Using the cooler products obbligaranno not having to return to the freezer at low temperatures, thus avoiding a greater power consumption. In addition, thawing and refreezing foods can make you lose the nutritional characteristics, and in some cases, make them harmful to health.
- Read food labels. Before you buy a food product to dwell read the label, the ingredients list and the presence of dyes. The use of dyes meets the eye of those who but adds nothing to eat quality food. Try to evaluate a product through the label and ingredients, without getting influenced by the brand. You may find also save tens of € on your weekly shopping.
- cutlery and plastic cups. The plastic dishes are particularly suitable for grand occasions such as festivals, no one can deny that. Compared with metal cutlery and glasses, however, have the handicap of being a "disposable" and to increase the load of non-biodegradable waste. Daily use of traditional dishes for lunch a few people is the best route. It 's true, you have to wash them every time consuming soap and still have pollution, but will in any case a minor impact on the environment.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Removal Of Auditor Of Pvt Ltd Co

are many families who complain of being left with the bill doubled after the successful replacement of the electricity meter, from analog to digital . To check
just do a simple Internet search . Unfortunately, we also discover many other problems related to the change of counter:
• It seems that the counters are OUT UNDER because it does not appear to have been never verified by the metric che dovrebbe apporre un sigillo con caratteristiche normate: il profilo della testina della repubblica con la corona turrita e il numero dell’ispettore che ha eseguito la verificazione. In sostanza senza questa certificazione ( obbligatoria per legge ), nessuno può garantire che un kilowattora, pagato per giunta anche salato , sia davvero un kilowattora; Fonte:
• Secondo quanto riferito da esperti i nuovi contatori elettronici, a differenza dei precedenti, misurano oltre alla " potenza attiva " anche quella " reattiva ", facendoci pagare fino al 33% more ; Source:
• The counters were replaced without proper and specific steps and without releasing advice of any kind; Source:
• The operator has to pay bills to balance often completely out of size than the historical average consumption of the apartments and often long after replacement; Source:
- http://www.ecquologia.it/sito/pag926.map?action=single&field.joined.id=47523&field.joined.singleid=47652
- http://www.laparolaalconsumatore.com/ 2007/12/acea-electrabel-una-bolletta.html
- http://forum.html.it/forum/showthread.php?threadid=1078399
The PFC power factor correction equipment has become more important because the utility electricity contract terms imposed by the tariff provisions of the CIP (No. 12/1984 and No. 26/1989) that, in fact, require the user to their system power factor, for a better and more economical use of energy. In particular for installations with low voltage and power greater than 15kW committed:
- When the average monthly power factor is below 0.7 the user is required to correct the power factor implantation;
- When the power factor monthly average is between 0.7 and 0.9 there is no obligation for the correction of the system but the user pays a penalty for reactive energy;
- When the average monthly power factor is greater than 0 9, there is no obligation for the correction of the system and do not pay any share of reactive power.
The user is then asked at least up to a power factor cos φ m = 0.9.
could make it even more convenience at a power factor correction for the benefits resulting from reduced losses and voltage drops in your system. The power factor correction must be made in any case, according to existing regulations, so that, in any case, the system delivers the user's capacitive reactive power to the network.
An energy supplier offers this service Flyenergia
To make good use of energy and 'important duty to monitor their own consumption.
A key indicator to monitor and 'consumption of reactive energy.
Without venturing into complex technique can 'simplify the problem with the simple statement:''Reduce the consumption of reactive energy means saving.''
Excessive removal of reactive power can 'depend on the inadequate operation of the plant or parts thereof, or a mismatch of electrical machinery.
Excessive removal of reactive power and generates more leakage quidni higher costs of electricity bills.
E 'then the need for a technician, as a result of an audit of the system, identify interventions plant necessari al rifasamento dell'impianto o di parti di esso e il ripristino del corretto funzionamento.
Questa operazione vi può far risparmiare fino al 30% sulla bolletta, senza escludere che questo operatore fornisce energia completamente verde.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Increase In Cervical Mucus Around Period
Tratto da www.finanzautile.org
La crisi non risparmia neppure la tanto amata festa di San Valentino: secondo una stima dell’Adoc, infatti per l’imminente festa del 14 febbraio il budget sarà ridotto soprattutto per i giovanissimi che non spenderanno più di 50 euro, mentre ad andare fuori a cena saranno solo il 50% degli innamorati.
A pesare sulla festa saranno soprattutto i pesanti increases by more than 19% that have hit the traditional lovers' gifts, from chocolates to stuffed animals, flowers perfumes.
to make more charges, according to research, will be the youngest that will have to cope (39%) on a shoestring budget of no more than € 50.
It will not be easy to find a gift at the list of price increases because of the typical products of S. Valentino, developed by consumers, is long, ranging from 25% more for the classic bouquet of flowers, which remains despite the surge of the most popular holiday gift, 8, 2% more for the chocolates; from 9.5% for the puppets of soft toys, a favorite among teenagers to 33.3% more on greeting cards.
Even the classic dinner by candlelight affected the climate of recession: 18% more that the final bill in fact, could induce 46% of lovers to give up the restaurant.
Only 7% of luck, you can afford to spend over 200 euro, while 69% of couples will be directed towards a ceiling of 100 €. A
unscathed will instead sms: it is expected millions of text messages of love for a turnover, between 15 and 18 million €.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Large Size Mucinous Ovarian Cyst
According to data collected in 2005 (more recent) in Italy each year will consume almost 200 liters of bottled water per person .
Considering that a 1.5 liter bottle of a brand's average price is 0.40 euro, you can easily calculate the cost per capita, amounting to € 50 year.
Now, we calculate how much to spend consuming only tap water, which costs us € 1.5 per cubic meter (1000 liters).
Again, the account is fairly simple and tells us that drinking 200 liters of water per year, would spend € 0.3!
As a result, the traditional Italian family, consisting of 4 individuals, can spend 1, 2 euro per year, instead of 200: SAVING DONE!
But this is only the tip of the iceberg: every year are put into circulation over 7,000 million plastic bottles , the environmental impact in terms of harmful emissions pe ril transport of these goods is incalculable and, finally, the manufacturers spend almost € 380 million in commercials (regularly condemned as misleading by the Antitrust Authority ...)
Last but not least, is placed under the tap water in thousands of checks and has the same organoleptic qualities bottled water.
Quoting an old beer commercial: "Never forget, people, meditate"
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Summary Of Palm Sunday
Reported by notiziefresche
The spending for heating a house notelvolmente impact on household budgets but unfortunately you can not give it up unless unless you want to die from the cold. The bill , especially in winter, rises considerably but with small steps can not inflate it any longer than necessary. Do not waste
is the watchword and this requires having a ' careful thermal management. When you turn on the heating must not forget them and think do everything by themselves but instead must acquire the knowledge that to all our bad behavior is a significant increase in terms of gas consumption and consequently money in the bill.
Following a series of tips to optimize the thermal management and reduce heating costs .
tips that cost nothing:
- The thermostat
E ' known that the ideal temperature in the house when cold is approximately 19 degrees Celsius . Every degree above raises spending by about 7-10%
E 'useless overheat the apartment longer than necessary and then being forced to live in short sleeves because of the heat. represent a temperature of 19 degrees more than acceptable to live without numb.
- Avoid covering radiators
The radiator radiates heat into the environment. If it is "shielded" with curtains, furniture or walls will prevent the proper functioning and the room will remain cold.
- Close blinds
To avoid loss of heat through the windows, not just gets dark, you should close the shutters
- Ventilate the rooms
Avoid ventilate the premises when the boiler is according and heaters radiate heat. Wait for the moment at which the boiler is preferably in the hottest hours of the day.
at night when you sleep you do not need to keep the heating on. Set the timer thermostat to get them off 1 / 2 hours before going to sleep and start 1 / 2 hours before waking
- Long absence
If you long absent from home is convenient to turn off the boiler programming the timer for the restart on your return
- Bleed radiators
beginning of the first cold it is necessary to out any air inside the radiator. If this fact radiators remain cold partly by consuming more gas. To do this just
to open the valve on the radiator until water comes out. Repeat for all the radiators the house. This advice is valid for autonomous systems and centralized .
- Camino
For the lucky owners of the chimney flue close when not in use.
Council providing a cost
- Draughts from windows
The present drafts under doors or windows are consume more gas as they introduce cold air into the environment. Use cheap " sausages" to place the base on the sills of the doors and windows to reduce air inlet.
- Isolate the back of the radiator heater
I tend to radiate heat in all directions including toward the outside wall. To work around this problem and blow hot air into the interior are sale of the special heat reflective panels be applied behind the radiator ( course for those who give up the outside walls ).
A cheaper solution is to use the very simple to apply foil behind the radiator .
- double glazing windows
The windows single glass disperse heat faster and instead double or triple glazing have held far greater. But they also cost a therefore cheapest solution is to use a transparent insulating film adhesive that is applied to the glass reduces heat loss. It 's a solution economic but also less effective double frame.
- Box blinds
If you find that the box blinds are drafts is to isolate that as well.
- Thermostatically
Le valvole termostatiche vengono applicate a ciascun calorifero e regolano l’erogazione del calore per ciascun elemento. Con tale accorgimento si può regolare il calore per singolo ambiente .
Seguendo questi semplici accorgimenti la vostra bolletta del gas risulterà più leggera; sarete riscaldati lo stesso ma con qualche soldino in più in tasca!
Un’ultima cosa: per coloro che ne hanno la possibilità utilizzate il servizio di autolettura del contatore … non vi farà risparmiare di più ma eviterete bollette apparentemente basse e magari un conguaglio da brivido!!!