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La crisi non risparmia neppure la tanto amata festa di San Valentino: secondo una stima dell’Adoc, infatti per l’imminente festa del 14 febbraio il budget sarà ridotto soprattutto per i giovanissimi che non spenderanno più di 50 euro, mentre ad andare fuori a cena saranno solo il 50% degli innamorati.
A pesare sulla festa saranno soprattutto i pesanti increases by more than 19% that have hit the traditional lovers' gifts, from chocolates to stuffed animals, flowers perfumes.
to make more charges, according to research, will be the youngest that will have to cope (39%) on a shoestring budget of no more than € 50.
It will not be easy to find a gift at the list of price increases because of the typical products of S. Valentino, developed by consumers, is long, ranging from 25% more for the classic bouquet of flowers, which remains despite the surge of the most popular holiday gift, 8, 2% more for the chocolates; from 9.5% for the puppets of soft toys, a favorite among teenagers to 33.3% more on greeting cards.
Even the classic dinner by candlelight affected the climate of recession: 18% more that the final bill in fact, could induce 46% of lovers to give up the restaurant.
Only 7% of luck, you can afford to spend over 200 euro, while 69% of couples will be directed towards a ceiling of 100 €. A
unscathed will instead sms: it is expected millions of text messages of love for a turnover, between 15 and 18 million €.
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