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Riserva75 Awards - The statuette |
Rome: as is the case now for a couple of years now here we are with the usual date year-end bonuses awarded by the undersigned be appointed for the occasion as " Riserva75 Awards 2010 "This is a set of rankings from me regarding the fields of interest which are normally drawn on the blog or privately. So get ready to read this post that will be the last of this wonderful year together:
This year I have to say that a little 'script for the school, a little' out of curiosity and a bit 'passion for movies I have seen very many: cinema, DVD, Blu-ray, dvx and so I've eaten a lot 'and never as this time the choice was difficult. I appreciated the Italian comedies like Happy Family and boys versus girls, I really liked the return di Stallone coi Mercenari e The Shutter Island, mi sono divertito guardando i tre Transporter, mi ha sorpreso parecchio Remember me, mi ha lasciato a bocca aperta Avatar, mi hanno deluso invece il nuovo Karate Kid, L’Ultimo dominatore dell’Aria e Peaceful Warrior e sono sicuro di aver perso tre capolavori come The Inception, The Social Network e Scott Pilgrim vs the world; in tutto questo contesto così la palma del miglior film del 2010 va a Crank II – High Voltage di Neveldine & Taylor perchè ha riscritto in maniera definitiva e per sempre la (mia) concezione di Action Movie.
Dopo long time in one year were indeed many animated films of excellent quality that first invaded the theaters and home video. Shrek - The Final Chapter has had some success, they all spoke well of Rapunzel (I'll see soon), Christmas Carol was my first 3D movie and my first film with Mary and this only if you do not deserve an award that was always with her I saw Toy Story 3, which I enjoyed very much (the scene of Buzz in courting the English Barbie is great!) and Dragons Trainer that I was also involved, amazed (with 3D) and moved enough to choose it as best animated feature film of the year.
Se avessi visto Romanzo Criminale – Stagione seconda sicuramente non avrei avuto dubbi a sceglierla come serie TV dell’anno, ma siccome ce l’ho registrata nel mio hardisk di Sky e non lo vedrò prima del nuovo anno, devo scegliere qualcos’altro. Ora diciamo che rispetto agli anni pregressi non ho divorato serie tv, ma soltanto assaporato: tra queste Mental mi è piaciuto, ma aspetto la seconda stagione per dare un giudizio più obiettivo; Scrubs 9 cambiando le sue dinamiche definiamole classiche mi ha un po’ spiazzato e in parte deluso; The Ordinary Family mi ha annoiato; The Walking Dead è stata una novità, ma sei episodi are too few to express an opinion and as a series when it seems a bit 'too with the handbrake, Sherlock I was curious to see it (I'm waiting for my copy with subtitles), House and Californication I've lost, no trace of Mandrake 2 so I'm safe and I mention the TV series of 2010 dexter 4 which is always a guarantee, after the slight decline in the third series in the fourth good Morgan back to its former glory and combines a good story if a ' excellent direction the game is done and the prize is yours!
Again it was hard because of excellent products have been packaged a lot of them. Looking forward to watching Shawn of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and I can confidently appoint my Planet Terror Blu-Ray year Zombieland that the check mark for Drag Me to Hell and District 9. Too clever and well done film by Ruben Fleischer for not being rewarded.
of books in 2010 to be honest I have not read a lot. I had the pleasure to personally review Less than Zero is always an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and I liked the Don Giovanni Alessandro Barricco rewritten, but the best book I've read this year is undoubtedly The Wild scritto da David Almond ed illustrato da Dave McKean. La storia di sangue ed avventura del bambino Blue Baker che affronta a modo suo il dramma della perdita del padre mi ha colpito e commosso e mi è entrata nel cuore rimanendoci.
Tantissime nuove uscite in questo anno: i bonellidi Cassidy (bello), Pinkerton (mmmhh), Factor V (bruttino) e San Michele (poco coinvolgente), il ritorno di John Doe (al momento deludente) e la conferma di Dylan Dog (che dopo una lunga parabola discendente sta ritrovando la giusta strada); poi Jonah Hex (mi piace), Pulp Stories (interessante), LMVDM di Gipi (genio!) e Chew (uno of my favorites) and above the undisputed winner of the Awards that Riserva75 Valter Dark ! The character created by Alessandro Billotta fascinated me and dragging me involved in his stories in a Rome totally "different" from what I also doc Roman daily living.
Sunny side up of Paolo Nutini Candy because it contains one of my absolute favorite foreign songs and because I heard one of the best moments of my life.
The circuit of fascinating Moltheni I came inside from the first listen, it was a pleasant surprise that even now with each new listening makes me smile and makes me sing in the car.
In a year when the change of house I had to sell two X-Box, a Nintendo Wii and DS the prize goes to a game that I have reviewed the PlayStation 3 console as much and if I liked Uncharted a second is a masterpiece (which I have to finish) and God of War III may have disappointed, well PES 2010 this year ha stracciato la concorrenza! Dopo tre anni di FIFA ho deciso di ritornare a PES che con l’edizione 2010 sembra essere tornata ai livelli del quarto capitolo. Questa simulazione di calcio mi piace tantissimo perché più tecnica, più lenta e più ragionata; pur avendo ancora tanti difetti PES mi diverte e coinvolge ed in modalità online è troppo appassionante: per tutti questi motivi è il mio videogioco dell’anno!
In assoluto la pen drive da 4 gb a forma di mattoncino lego giallo presa a Bologna. Peccato solamente che da un mesetto circa non funziona più…
Without a doubt the ' Imac to 21.5 "Snow Leopard with iLife 11. In two words ... a monster
The sneakers Kawasaki Scottish in beige canvas. I had seen them first and try to Sardinia, then to Rome, then in Fiuggi, then on the Internet, but no trace of n.42; even told me that had been discontinued and now I lost all hope when Mary (do not know how did you find them!) gave me for my birthday! Great and her great shoes!
There are several sites that I follow every day and dealing with topics dear to me: movies, comics, video, technology, design, subbuteo, fiction etc. I wanted to reward friends of the 400 kicks, but in the end I decided to reward my faith that speaks of a football for Inter, and among the many sites devoted to Inter is my favorite www . fcinter1908.it edited by the entire Christian doc Recalcati.
If I had not moved house or I would have chosen the best Subbuteo Table Football, but since my field remained the prize from my parents' Album Player of the Panini ! There are now several years that the full collection of updates and even this year I participated for the first time in the Italian tour and I enjoyed it too. As I write I smile at the thought that at last the wait is over because at the beginning of January you will find on the newsstands that of the 2010-2011 season preview that I receive at home by Panini!
In a year when you win five of six trophies available to choose one game to be awarded has not been easy, we say that winning the Olympic Stadium House of Rome in the Italian Cup is always very nice, especially when the Romans had already prepared for the festivities, but not enough to win the Super Cup at the San Siro against Roma was always nice, but it was summer and there was little football climate around me, to win the Intercontinental has a historical value, but against the Mezembe radio was not much; the European Cup with Bayern was great, but I was in Rome alone, and I could not share the joy with anyone and that is why I choose as a game of the year Siena - Inter 0-1 with goals from Milito and fifth title in a row having won in Piazza Duomo in Milan. It 'was the first time that I could share the joy of football Inter with someone, it was great, I cried and I will never forget ...
I could write the publication of my first and only (predictably) book, but an encounter with Mary is undoubtedly the most beautiful thing I happened in 2010 and perhaps the last year or maybe forever ...
See you next year ... good beginning and good end to all ...
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