Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Summary Of Palm Sunday

Mini manual on how to save with heating

Reported by notiziefresche

The spending for heating a house notelvolmente impact on household budgets but unfortunately you can not give it up unless unless you want to die from the cold. The bill , especially in winter, rises considerably but with small steps can not inflate it any longer than necessary. Do not waste
is the watchword and this requires having a ' careful thermal management. When you turn on the heating must not forget them and think do everything by themselves but instead must acquire the knowledge that to all our bad behavior is a significant increase in terms of gas consumption and consequently money in the bill.

Following a series of tips to optimize the thermal management and reduce heating costs .

tips that cost nothing:

- The thermostat
E ' known that the ideal temperature in the house when cold is approximately 19 degrees Celsius . Every degree above raises spending by about 7-10%
E 'useless overheat the apartment longer than necessary and then being forced to live in short sleeves because of the heat. represent a temperature of 19 degrees more than acceptable to live without numb.

- Avoid covering radiators
The radiator radiates heat into the environment. If it is "shielded" with curtains, furniture or walls will prevent the proper functioning and the room will remain cold.

- Close blinds
To avoid loss of heat through the windows, not just gets dark, you should close the shutters

- Ventilate the rooms
Avoid ventilate the premises when the boiler is according and heaters radiate heat. Wait for the moment at which the boiler is preferably in the hottest hours of the day.

at night when you sleep you do not need to keep the heating on. Set the timer thermostat to get them off 1 / 2 hours before going to sleep and start 1 / 2 hours before waking

- Long absence
If you long absent from home is convenient to turn off the boiler programming the timer for the restart on your return

- Bleed radiators
beginning of the first cold it is necessary to out any air inside the radiator. If this fact radiators remain cold partly by consuming more gas. To do this just
to open the valve on the radiator until water comes out. Repeat for all the radiators the house. This advice is valid for autonomous systems and centralized .

- Camino
For the lucky owners of the chimney flue close when not in use.

Council providing a cost

- Draughts from windows
The present drafts under doors or windows are consume more gas as they introduce cold air into the environment. Use cheap " sausages" to place the base on the sills of the doors and windows to reduce air inlet.

- Isolate the back of the radiator heater
I tend to radiate heat in all directions including toward the outside wall. To work around this problem and blow hot air into the interior are sale of the special heat reflective panels be applied behind the radiator ( course for those who give up the outside walls ).
A cheaper solution is to use the very simple to apply foil behind the radiator .

- double glazing windows
The windows single glass disperse heat faster and instead double or triple glazing have held far greater. But they also cost a therefore cheapest solution is to use a transparent insulating film adhesive that is applied to the glass reduces heat loss. It 's a solution economic but also less effective double frame.

- Box blinds
If you find that the box blinds are drafts is to isolate that as well.

- Thermostatically
Le valvole termostatiche vengono applicate a ciascun calorifero e regolano l’erogazione del calore per ciascun elemento. Con tale accorgimento si può regolare il calore per singolo ambiente .

Seguendo questi semplici accorgimenti la vostra bolletta del gas risulterà più leggera; sarete riscaldati lo stesso ma con qualche soldino in più in tasca!
Un’ultima cosa: per coloro che ne hanno la possibilità utilizzate il servizio di autolettura del contatore … non vi farà risparmiare di più ma eviterete bollette apparentemente basse e magari un conguaglio da brivido!!!


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