"I soldi non fanno la felicità ma, di sicuro, aiutano…" questo vecchio proverbio, sempre attuale, è importante da tenere a mente per gestire bene il proprio denaro. Fatture, spese abituali o impreviste... ecco i nostri consigli per evitare le angosce month-end.
The various behaviors in the face of money
Not everyone has the same relationship with money. This report does not depend on your bank account, but rather by your personality . The relationship you have with the money, says a lot about your way of life.
Here are some behaviors in front of the money
• the squandering: we many to squander our money! Our indecision lasts a moment, but then buy a dress, a pair of shoes or a jewel is the only thing that can relieve (temporarily) the agony. The squandering exaggerates, yield without compulsive buying, but though it can not continue to buy pemetterselo. Prefer not to know what's going on about him ...
• the avaricious is contained in the costs and can even be stingy! His behavior is dictated by the need to earn and maintain its capital. Regularly check your accounts, make purchases reasons ... in other words, money has an important role in his life and remains a symbol of material and emotional security.
• the generous likes to give gifts to their loved ones and often without buy deal. It's his way of getting the estimation of others. This attitude may be a sign of guilt or, conversely, more rarely, of true generosity.
• equilibrium: has a mature and healthy relationship with money. Can handle, thus saving when needed, or spend it without feeling guilty.
manage your expenses each stage
• Do your accounts: sworn enemies of the spendthrift, the accounts ... afflict more than reassure. Often, however, are useful and allow you to avoid having your account go red. It must become a habit: the ideal is to see your online account once a week, to monitor transactions as you make them. Another option: write down your income and your expenditure, writing in a table organized by categories (budget fixed monthly charges and expenses of temporary ...).
• installments: taxes, car insurance, payment of banking services, loans ... sometimes it's difficult to spend large sums of stroke, the risk is to go red. Here's the solution: these installments compulsory expenditure. Generally paid at the beginning of the month, the rate does not allow you to borrow unnecessarily when expiring. If you can, Calls for the withdrawal takes place a few days after receiving your salary.
• Expect a tight budget: is to provide a monthly sum to approximate the costs of everyday life. The food, gasoline, but also the subscription of the mobile, Internet, transportation, sports ... It is money that must be taken into account automatically in the management of your budget and subtracted to your monthly salary.
• Stay in touch with your banker: your banker is your friend! He is the only one, besides yourself, know your expenses, and can propose solutions in case of problems. Do not hesitate to meet him at least 3 times a year to talk about your account and, why not provide investment or loans.
• Avoid delayed payments: if you know that your account would not allow it, but all in all you want to make a purchase that plan to spend a relatively large sum avoids, as far as possible, the delayed payment. Indeed threatened to forget this cost and to be taken aback at the end of the month.
• Have a contingency sum : it is better prepared for any eventuality! Always think to leave a certain sum of money into your account, so as not to find yourself in red. Or, plan to open yourself to another account where you set aside savings to be used occasionally, in times of need ...
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