Thursday, July 22, 2010

Buy Things With Debit Card

about problems that do not exist. I would

There are .. I'm not dead ... I'm alienando dalla società ma conservo ancora una piccola capacità di incazzarmi.
Leggo su La Stampa questa notizia

La paura dei Cattolici di scomparire dalla politica....
Non ci credo. Lo rileggo.
Davvero esiste questa paura.
Mi viene da ridere.
Questo schifo di paese è permeato da ogni parte da ipocrita buonismo e strumentalizzazioni del divino per avallare bassissimi progetti umani. La cosa che mi provoca un attimino di fastidio è la seguente. I cattolici in parlamento (destra e sinistra) rappresentano una maggioranza. Praticamente un partito sopra i partiti. Questo fa si che le questioni morali abbiano un unica soluzione. I do not want the eater, far be it from me to stand against bias. But frankly face the ass to say, do not interfere in politics, and then have such a large project of "Broad agreement" makes me smile. Priests are not those in the parliament does not change anything. I'm not interested. For what a layman as individuals, one with a skirt or not remains an individual. Therefore dangerous in the same way in the lucid assessment of progress. Progress is always light years away from the conservative mentality of every institution of "faith."
The fact that the church hosts an incredible pressure in all matters of government now seems to me a fact. Any Catholic who does not raise me to call in question in me nemmeno la forza di una risposta. Che palle. Mi avete francamente stancato.
Ipotizziamo io sia ateo. Ateo che non crede in Dio. Ateo che non crede nella sacra famiglia e nella chiesa, nell'istituzione della fede, ateo che creda che la vita e mia e non di un fantomatico "Signore". Ipotizziamo che io sia il peggior soggetto dal punto di vista CATTOLICO, ma un soggetto normalissimo dal punto di vista Sociale. Faccio un esempio. Non credo in Dio. Non credo nel matrimonio cattolico, non credo ai sacramenti, e credo fermamente di poter disporre della mia vita e della mia esistenza privatamente senza che nessuno ci metta il becco (signori con gonna e cappellino compresi).
Contemporaneamente non sono mai stato in galera, non ho rubato, I did not kill, I participate in social life of my country, I believe in freedom and think I have not even ever touched a minor in his special places. Now. Why do not you stand by the balls and I leave my SACRED (Perhaps the only truly sacred thing that exists) right to live how the hell I like?
Ok me calm.
It calms me because the tone is important but it's really frustrating to see talk of divorced marriages, pedophiles talk about young people. I mean hypocrisy.
now are men and men make mistakes. I am a man. Mistake. And I highly recommend to those who had taken as a spiritual guide or a social example to stop doing that now!! This is my opinion, my diversity, my freedom of expression. I do not want followers not fucking want to proselytize. That's the difference. I SPEAK TO THE MOUTH OF SIMONE DEMARIA any anyone who wants to be left alone and wants more normal conditions and freer existence. Who speaks for others. I am not convinced. NEVER. Were he a politician or a priest, an alien.
As this population of mangiapizza must serve before he realized that always find a new owner does not make us a full democracy?
How long will it still, to me as an individual, for people are tired of preaching and professing atheist and atheism?
If God has chosen to speak for those guys because he took the biggest dazzled by the dawn of time (perhaps second only to the creation of mosquitoes). That is really a murderous Lord's Chapel.
And if I can afford its height. These
does not obey, they are not violent console, these offenders do not live under, they do not speak. And I do not talk to the missionaries because it is a topic that is good forever (or else why do not you talk about all the good things Hitler did). Lord in the final. I is really going to like it. I prefer to believe that you did not exist. Why can not .... can not say .. be a perfect Savior Lord. .. choice of such scoundrels as host of her prophets elettissimi.
After this post, I will burn in hell.
only hope to be in good company.


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