Se possiedi un sito/Blog e ci vuoi guadagnare qualcosa, ti puoi affiliare ad un sito di vendite on-line dove verrai retribuito con le commissioni di vendita del prodotto, di solito si aggira tra il 4% e l' 8%.
Un Programma di Affiliazione quindi, ti permette di Guadagnare anche:
• A responsabilità limitata
• Senza creare un Prodotto
• Senza Investire much in time and resources
The only work you do is sell the product at your disposal.
There are four ways to earn commissions on
1. PPC pay per click, tied at each visit (single click);
2. PPS to pay sales, tied to each sale, also called "revenue sharing" (revenue sharing), offers affiliates a fixed percentage of sales were successful;
3. PPL Pay per Lead, linked to each fill out a registration form (usually free), each program offers lead "inside", that offers affiliates the opportunity to enroll your ref-link with other people in the program;
4 . CPM (impressions), linked to the display of banners / links (usually every thousand), with this system, members need only produce traffic and are not required to generate sales or clicks from the traffic.
Below we list some of the most 'popular sites selling:
It is paid to the achievement of 50 Euro
Excellent and very serious German company, founded several years ago is now a giant of membership on Internet. Join
Zanox guadanerai many high commissions by promoting high quality products and choice.
systems gain
Pay Per Click Pay Per Lead Pay for Sales
TradeDoubler TradeDoubler is the platform of affiliate programs most known and used in our country. Many sponsors are available and all known names thanks to strict selection operating at the time of accepting a new merchant.
The tracking systems are mostly serving in Italy:
Pay per click (pay per click generates a tot),
Pay Per Action or Lead (Total to pay a registration action or procured)
Pay Per Sales (pays a percentage of the sales procured). There are no minimum size on
minimum of one site or traffic generated. The only types of sites are not accepted a priori sites with adult content and illegal content. Each merchant will decide then whether to accept the requesting site to expose their brand.
Payment to reach € 50 by bank transfer
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