Most portals and websites that exist today owe their lives to advertising on the Internet, or with those banners or text links that are found on the sites. Advertising which, once clicked, allow the webmaster to earn and keep alive their website.
There are different types of advertising related to the different types of action that the visitor to your site, usually the main ones are: clicks, leads and sales!
Payperuse.eu is nothing more than a website with its users that divide the income generated from these types of advertising!
The main options to gain PayPerUse.eu
The Click
The Pay Per Click advertising are those who pay for each visit from their own website, or give any remuneration (usually in the range of Euro cents) for every user that clicking, a particular banner or link, is returned to the site of those who commissioned the advertising campaign! The clicks are considered valid from the same IP address more than once every 24 hours. That is why once clicked, the links disappear from the special section and there are only the next day.
It 's very important to have a single account per ogni utente perchè i sistemi Pay Per Click considerano valido solo il primo click per ogni indirizzo IP ed in caso di più click, il sito potrebbe essere escluso dal circuito perdendo tutti i guadagni maturati (se PayPerUse.eu viene bannato dai circuiti, diminuisce il numero di click e tutti guadagnano meno!)!
I Click con ricerca
Questa tipologia di click, (indicata in PayPerUse.eu con effettua una ricerca valida ) non paga per la sola visita inviata, ma trattandosi normalmente di motori di ricerca, paga per ogni ricerca valida effettuata, per sapere come fare una valid research visit this Brief Guide.
It 's very important to successful searches as dividend PayPerUse.eu gains with users, the more successful searches, the greater the gain for all!
This gain option is certainly the most profitable, is to register at Web sites (usually free), the recording sometimes takes a few simple facts, sometimes requesting the names of all their information or to download software. Users can choose whether to register with no obligation or not to Web sites offered.
It 's very important, if you decide to enroll in one or more websites proposed to use only truthful information, the entries with data from fantasy are not only not approved by the circuit (and take account of the elimination 'user), but threaten to ban PayPerUse.eu the circuit with its loss of earnings accrued. And, as mentioned above, PayPerUse.eu divide the profits with the users, if PayPerUse.eu not earn, CLOSE, users do not pay and lose it all! E 'therefore preferable not to join that sign up with false data!
I referral
PayPerUse.eu grants to its members a percentage for each user who registers at the site thanks to your referral link, which recognizes a sort of reward for having advertised the site. The percentages for referrals are based on five levels: 10%, 8%, 5%, 2% and 1%, this means that each person will earn 10% of what they earn referrals directly, 8% of the earning referrals from those who presented him, and so on up to level 5 without removing anything and everything in them!
The system automatically tracks a set of data (such as IP address, PC name, etc. ...) that allow to prevent the same user has multiple accounts with PayPerUse.eu, it is important to avoid opening multiple accounts from one PC and / or IP address! Any account held dual will be deleted without notice and without possibility of reactivation!
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