(my) history : I am a boy of "sea" that has never had a too close relationship with the mountain, so that the last time I sunk into a boot snow was ten years ago in Happy Camp, a village not far away from Rome. As for the Dolomites, this was my first time ...
Moena How to reach: From Rome reach the Dolomites is a really nice trip! Immediately rejected by the auto (excessive distances and unreliable Beetle!) Together with Mary, we set about finding the trains in the hope to find someone or reduced-price deals. Something we've found and eventually the total expenditure was low considering the drawn lines: Roma-Verona, Verona-Trento, Trento, Moena (coach). If you decide to go to the Dolomites from Rome so we must now accept the fact that the trip will be lost for two days of vacation. However counsel for several reasons travel with Arrow that is true it costs more, but at the level of comfort and speed is not comparable with any other train! The coach is in Moena Trento-even if it lasted two hours and a half was very pleasant and scenic.
Moena by night |
The Queen of the Dolomites : Moena unquestionably deserves this title because in my humble opinion is the most beautiful country, if not all of the Dolomites, Val di Fassa definitely! Enchanting, cared for, well structured and organized, Moena really surprised me in every way: the town center is pedestrian area where you are free to walk around without the hindrance of the cars, the streets are safe and always clean the snow ; typical style buildings are all very aesthetically beautiful, decorated with light that constantly relive the wonderful Christmas atmosphere to the tourists, the avenues and alleys are full of shops selling local products and those who want to spend a little 'less there are also two supermarkets priced much cheaper. One thing I really liked is the fact that Moena is cut transversely by a stream of discrete size and flow of water made by the various beautifully designed wooden bridges which allows it to cross and the sculptures "natural" ice located along its path. Being a rather small country is easily and conveniently visitors far and wide in a short time and walks in the cold are made more pleasant by stopping in the shops or heated in the many themed bars that can be found while walks.
Information Center: there is one for each country and not just facilitate the stay of tourists by suggesting what to do according to his needs, but unfortunately not always the information we were given were corrected in fact, in more than one occasion went to a conflict between the Centre and the other. Despite this, thanks to the Information Centre we are able to do one of the best excursions ever made in my life!
Transportation : safe, comfortable, efficient, punctual and above all free! The Sky Bus line that covers all the tourist routes of the Val di Fassa was a pleasant Free and surprise. The only limit: some sections are covered only in a few hours and so if you want to move a bit 'more freedom in this line has to be coupled to the payment of the Trentino-transport company. However, my opinion of it is very good.
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Effect Beer! |
Hotel Belvedere : After initial hesitation due to the fact that the hotel in question has the entry (and the view) on the road I believe with each passing day is always better to reach enthusiastically! The interior is tastefully furnished with great style and space with the use of wood that is typical for the hotels around here. The entrance hall is quite small, but efficient and open until 23, the owner of smiles a little stingy in the end it was available even though I find it absurd that the payments can not be made with the debit card, but only in cash. The rooms, at least our class standard, was quite small but had everything needed to make a comfortable stay: cleanliness, heating, Latvian bed, duvet, table with benches opposed to write or read from a sitting position, radio (antica! ) and TV, the refrigerator was missing, but it just put things out on the balcony (the limit of zero temperature) that unfortunately as I said has a view of the mountains, but especially on the road. The hours for breakfast and dinner are cut perfectly with the mountain activities and dinner is especially rich and diverse as well as really tasty, one of the three nights we also attended the dinner country characterized by abundant and delicious course as indeed were also those of other days. To tell the truth I have to say that the first night, I risked a real indigestion while I ate the last of strangling priests butter, mushrooms and sage to scream! Overall I must say congratulations to the structure and especially the chef!
Spa : Compared to what seemed to be the godson of Fiuggi smaller and badly dressed, but I must say that even if we were faced with a limited-service spa, the fact that we have been able to take in a virtually exclusive has earned at least three more points! The small indoor heated pool, sauna, turkish bath and scented showers after the long walks I must say I have been a real blessing.
Canazei : nice country, but rather chaotic than the other, there was just passing by one morning and I must say that is enough.
Passo S. Pellegrino : a huge expanse of snow and I would call a fairly traditional landscape with the mountains and the plants on both sides, divided by the road, the area for cross-country skiers. Less beautiful landscape compared to other countries, but certainly impact and fun for skiers.
Snowmobile Deluxe! |
Pozza di Fassa : Here I left my heart! In the mountains of Pozza I did one of the best experiences of my life: climbing on a snowmobile, a visit to the refuge and tobogganing. For those who do not know Mary and I are not skiers: you in the past tried to get on a couple of times while I ski, accomplices knees "broken", I never even thought to try this thrill it is for this reason that three days in the Dolomites together we tried the "attractions" alternative, first of all the sledging! To be honest this was one of my main priorities, however, that Mary has accepted and lived with enthusiasm despite the holes in the water that we collected in the first two days of stay. In fact, the Information Centres had sent us a bit 'into the fray, proposing ski bob sled for kids or hire on board sky-track that had nothing to do with the idea that I had of "sledging". All this before knowing the Refuge Golf just Pozza di Fassa. The owners of this remote hut in the mountains of Val di Fassa in fact they had guaranteed the opportunity to call and sledging on the track exclusively or at least that was what I had understood and Mary, and never imagined we would have to live what I am tell! Arriving at the shelter was already own a business, in fact, a good hour of on-road and snow is not enough. Arrived at the foot of the mountain top to reach areas, we are due to get on a snowmobile velocissima che ci ha portato a destinazione dopo aver effettuato un tragitto di sei km tra la foresta e le distese innevate della montagna. Già questa da sola era stata un’esperienza unica, ma a renderla memorabile è stata la possibilità di ripercorrere a ritroso gli stessi sei km di tragitto solo con lo slittino! Inizialmente io e Maria ci siamo guardati increduli e anche un po’ spaventati, poi dopo averne parlato un attimo abbiamo capito che l’occasione di vivere a pieno quell’esperienza probabilmente non ci sarebbe più capitata. Così dopo una sosta al rifugio per un pranzo fugace ci siamo messi belli comodi sul nostro slittino e siamo partiti per l’emozionante discesa. Beh spiegare a parole la vastità dei panorami che abbiamo ammirato, il silenzio (in)naturale della cima della montagna, lo scenario mozzafiato della pista di ghiaccio ricavata nella foresta e la bellezza del ruscello che scorreva fiero tra gli alberi e le rocce risulterebbe difficile anche per un “paroliere” più preparato e “ricco” di me! La mezz’ora che ci abbiamo messo per scendere è stata sicuramente la più suggestiva ed anche la più divertente di tutta la vacanza e personalmente forse anche della mia vita. Per chiunque deciderà di passare dei giorni in Val di Fassa, sciatore o non, è d’obbligo l’escursione al rifugio Campiè!
Panorami : mozzafiato! Io nei tre giorni Dolomites have been spent on more than one occasion with his mouth open to contemplate scenarios that appeared in front of me with an emotion and an almost childlike wonder I admit, this definitely is largely due to the fact that I and the mountains, the snow and I have never had a close and exclusive relationship, but I am sure that even those who are more accustomed to these places before certain "visions" would remain as enchanted me.
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Bombardini Time! |
Cuisine: local time we were lucky to try it la seconda sera durante la cena contadina: speck e arrosto aromatizzato non è mai mancato sulla nostra tavola come del resto lo strudel alle mele e i canederli con lamponi, crema o cioccolato; squisiti anche i ravioli di carne alle erbe ed il tortino di polenta ricoperto di formaggio fuso e porcini (anche se duro da digerire!) oltre alla carne ai ferri sempre di ottima qualità ed il ricco antipasto di salumi, formaggi e verdure grigliate. Il mio voto dunque non può che essere molto alto.
La Birra : buonissima quella chiara tedesca sia alla spina che in bottiglia. Molto meglio quella prodotta artigianalmente a Fassa aromatizzata alle castagne o al miele che ho apprezzato molto perché pur essendo piuttosto cruda rimaneva morbida al gusto.
Il Bombardino : dopo due giorni di “pressioni” prima di ripartire sono riuscito a condividere un bel momento con Maria, quello del suo primo Bombardino; questo liquore tipicamente servito agli sciatori caldo liscio o con aggiunta di panna o cioccolato è davvero troppo piacevole al palato per non essere provato. Certo se sei proprio astemio come Maria gli effetti possono essere divertenti (gambe molli, calore diffuso per il corpo e tendenza al sorriso), ma ti possono anche mettere un po’ K.O. o fuori uso per qualche ora come successo a me soprattutto se servito in “porzione” doppia e dopo una pinta di birra! Però il Bombardino heat is a must for those going to the Dolomites!
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It 's hard but we'll ... |
Conclusion: things to tell and write there are still many, many, but it's just close it here just in time to not reveal too much of the Dolomites and leave the reader a desire, a temptation to go or for those who already know them to return. I put on my long weekend spent in and around Moena among the best holidays because it has experienced in recent years called emotions and feelings that are difficult to test in other contexts and because everything is possible with extremely low costs. The fact that skiing is not true that it can be a limitation, I guess what you can have fun by combining what has been done by us to ski, but now I have to say that the structures of the mountain are super organized in every way I want to add that time limit we are not able to do several things that could be fun and exciting as attending a real snowshoeing, sledding down at night, go to the track of the boats on the ice, go to a game of ice hockey, do sky-karts and much more. Council to all the Dolomites and in particular Moena, which is good Queen of the Valley in my country più bello che ho visto e vissuto…
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