Things ... In
Martaaaaa .. have you seen my keys?
This house seems huge when you try something and say that 30 square meters ....
How the hell do those in the villas .... ahh .. they do not lose things. .. or have daughters who finds them .... and even if you lose them ... who cares .. well I have the money to buy back .. I believe that the rich if they lose the keys to the car .... ricomprino
Martaaaa treasure ....
What do you mean "if you do not know"?? If I did not ask you anything ... Do you think the time to make the sarcasm?? Well I'm late ...
Ok ok .. I understand ... Just answer NO.
The irony sometimes do not understand. Indeed the irony is sometimes its dangerous .. if people do not understand ... ends che tu ti metti a criticare una cosa con ironia e ti ritrovi a diventare un eretico... le idee e l'ironia sono una cosa pericolosissima .. soprattutto in certe situazioni.
E dire che io non perdo le cose.. generalmente non perdo le cose. Per esempio .. portafogli ... Sgualcito, scolorito ma esattamente lo stesso da 10 anni. ... mai perso. Mai dimenticato. Sempre in tasca .. pronto all'uso .. con i documenti, il contante le, mie tessere, tutte, quelle inutili anche ... tutto sempre tutto in tasca ... Per dire che ne so .. telefonino?
Non li ho mai persi .. li cambio ma conservo i vecchi, quelli obsoleti che non fanno foto, video, suonerie strambe, mail, social network li cambio insomma ma conservo i vecchi.. come una strana collezione di antiquariato.. .. all they need is a glass case. Morale .. I have not lost mobile phones ... and even the keys .. duplicators keys may fail if they were all like me .. I have the keys of the original diary of the heart of my cousin ... Oh yeah that stuff was not my misses .. could even be stolen .... but I still have. .. you knew then what my cousin wrote ... Oh well ... The key ... Generally do not lose them. . but the fact is that now I find them ..
MARTAAAA ... come on babe take an idea .. give me a hand .. through thick and thin .. Is not that what the gentleman said in a skirt to church?? Su .. the love please ....
Ok ok, do not heat ... You do not lose anything?? You are the the things you lose .. Marta for God .... I do not lose anything ... perhaps the calm .. but things .. things here are not lost. . I'm co-workers, ideas, hopes, wives .. a good number of friends, I lose everything that we can be more important ... but not things. Things do not lose them.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Windows Live Messenger Error 8007007f
comes every day (Conati # 6) in January
comes in every day that passes next to someone for some time and it seems solid there.
This comes in mind you can count on the people who count on you, and can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are generally transported by the same current in your water when bathing prohibition is absolute. Bathers in an open sewer. You pass by and not everyone can take you. Some have funny faces and talk about different accents. They see life differently live, suffer and love differently. We are all just tell you, hand in hand. And you learn to smile in their eyes. And you can look, but never under your shoulders. The water is too murky to see what's underneath. And the cold, cold solitude of this incessant busy, this bathing among the shit and people will have the body numb. You have been numbed by the soles of the feet to shoulders. And so, in addition to not see how they are to your knees, say, or thighs, or your peas, you can not even hear them, and you do not realize that you slowly devoured them.
So in comes every day someone it will pass next to you some time and there seems solid.
only that, they came ashore, none of us would have more feet to walk on land.
And then, perhaps, it is worthwhile to swim alone.
comes in every day that passes next to someone for some time and it seems solid there.
This comes in mind you can count on the people who count on you, and can be counted on the fingers of one hand. They are generally transported by the same current in your water when bathing prohibition is absolute. Bathers in an open sewer. You pass by and not everyone can take you. Some have funny faces and talk about different accents. They see life differently live, suffer and love differently. We are all just tell you, hand in hand. And you learn to smile in their eyes. And you can look, but never under your shoulders. The water is too murky to see what's underneath. And the cold, cold solitude of this incessant busy, this bathing among the shit and people will have the body numb. You have been numbed by the soles of the feet to shoulders. And so, in addition to not see how they are to your knees, say, or thighs, or your peas, you can not even hear them, and you do not realize that you slowly devoured them.
So in comes every day someone it will pass next to you some time and there seems solid.
only that, they came ashore, none of us would have more feet to walk on land.
And then, perhaps, it is worthwhile to swim alone.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Belated Anniversary Wishes
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Rome: keenly awaiting the release of Italian film about the famous character in kiosk launched in September 1986 by Bonelli, although nothing to do with the original not wait to go see it and we are happy to be able to get two tickets for the national premiere in Rome (the one with the press in the room for instance) to which I will take the Damiano. Having said this I add only an observation: I agree that the story is set in London but in New Orleans, I accept the fact that the Beetle is black and white, I accept that there is replaced by Groucho zombie Marcus, I agree that there is no trace of Bloch, I agree that Dylan will never say "Judas dancer" and her hair is the lick, but I do not accept to see this played a historical character Brendon Routh, an actor who beats all muscles and shoots like a superhero! Rupert Everett want it now!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wheelchair People On Blogger
Let flowered
Lord, his path
his soul when you
the world and his skin
must leave
when it comes to your heaven
where in broad daylight
shine stars.
When cross
the last old bridge
suicides tell
kissing his forehead
come to Paradise
there I go where I
because there is no hell
good in the world of God
Have you come to
with its tired bones
following from thousands
those white faces
let you return
among the dead for contempt
that the heavens and the earth
showed courage .
Gentlemen conformists
I hope you do not mind
if in heaven, in the midst of the Saints
God, in his arms
stifle the sob
those pale lips
that hatred and ignorance
preferred death.
God of mercy
your beautiful heaven
you did
especially for those who did not smile
for those who have lived
with a clean conscience
hell exists only
for those who fear.
nobody better than him
you can never give
errors we all
you can and want to save.
Listen to his voice
who now sings in the wind
God of mercy
'll see, you'll be pleased.
God of mercy
'll see, you'll be pleased.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pus On Gums After Extraction
With this complete the album! |
Rome: during the years I realized that I need to succeed in something I need to give me deadlines and targets because otherwise they are tending to postpone and postpone and postpone and even to the bitter end. Anyone who knows me knows how much I like football and play football and also how my knees are marked by time and scars visible and invisible, but I am a stubborn and much against the advice of everyone around me now I've decided that WANT TO PLAY BALL! even once, even ten minutes, but I still want to wear my shin and my shoes and take to the soccer field! the words of my cousin Damiano, who wrote to me saying that one of his biggest wish would be to once again play football with me, moved me and warmed my heart and that is why tomorrow I'm going to write down gym per ritrovare la forma fisica (persa tra un trasloco ed una vacanza) con obiettivo primo maggio! e già io per l'inizio di quel mese voglio essere in grado di giocare a calcio su un campo vero! l'ultima volta che avevo giocato non era andata molto bene ed ormai rassegnato avevo riconsegnato tutto il mio materiale tecnico proprio a Damiano! spero lui non l'abbia buttato via e sia pronto a restituirmelo almeno in parte. Bene amici, il conto alla rovescia sta per partire da domani mancheranno solo sessanta giorni, il tempo scorre veloce ed io starò qui periodicamente ad aggiornarvi su come vanno le cose...
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Can Using Salt Lower Glucose Level
(my) history : I am a boy of "sea" that has never had a too close relationship with the mountain, so that the last time I sunk into a boot snow was ten years ago in Happy Camp, a village not far away from Rome. As for the Dolomites, this was my first time ...
Moena How to reach: From Rome reach the Dolomites is a really nice trip! Immediately rejected by the auto (excessive distances and unreliable Beetle!) Together with Mary, we set about finding the trains in the hope to find someone or reduced-price deals. Something we've found and eventually the total expenditure was low considering the drawn lines: Roma-Verona, Verona-Trento, Trento, Moena (coach). If you decide to go to the Dolomites from Rome so we must now accept the fact that the trip will be lost for two days of vacation. However counsel for several reasons travel with Arrow that is true it costs more, but at the level of comfort and speed is not comparable with any other train! The coach is in Moena Trento-even if it lasted two hours and a half was very pleasant and scenic.
Moena by night |
The Queen of the Dolomites : Moena unquestionably deserves this title because in my humble opinion is the most beautiful country, if not all of the Dolomites, Val di Fassa definitely! Enchanting, cared for, well structured and organized, Moena really surprised me in every way: the town center is pedestrian area where you are free to walk around without the hindrance of the cars, the streets are safe and always clean the snow ; typical style buildings are all very aesthetically beautiful, decorated with light that constantly relive the wonderful Christmas atmosphere to the tourists, the avenues and alleys are full of shops selling local products and those who want to spend a little 'less there are also two supermarkets priced much cheaper. One thing I really liked is the fact that Moena is cut transversely by a stream of discrete size and flow of water made by the various beautifully designed wooden bridges which allows it to cross and the sculptures "natural" ice located along its path. Being a rather small country is easily and conveniently visitors far and wide in a short time and walks in the cold are made more pleasant by stopping in the shops or heated in the many themed bars that can be found while walks.
Information Center: there is one for each country and not just facilitate the stay of tourists by suggesting what to do according to his needs, but unfortunately not always the information we were given were corrected in fact, in more than one occasion went to a conflict between the Centre and the other. Despite this, thanks to the Information Centre we are able to do one of the best excursions ever made in my life!
Transportation : safe, comfortable, efficient, punctual and above all free! The Sky Bus line that covers all the tourist routes of the Val di Fassa was a pleasant Free and surprise. The only limit: some sections are covered only in a few hours and so if you want to move a bit 'more freedom in this line has to be coupled to the payment of the Trentino-transport company. However, my opinion of it is very good.
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Effect Beer! |
Hotel Belvedere : After initial hesitation due to the fact that the hotel in question has the entry (and the view) on the road I believe with each passing day is always better to reach enthusiastically! The interior is tastefully furnished with great style and space with the use of wood that is typical for the hotels around here. The entrance hall is quite small, but efficient and open until 23, the owner of smiles a little stingy in the end it was available even though I find it absurd that the payments can not be made with the debit card, but only in cash. The rooms, at least our class standard, was quite small but had everything needed to make a comfortable stay: cleanliness, heating, Latvian bed, duvet, table with benches opposed to write or read from a sitting position, radio (antica! ) and TV, the refrigerator was missing, but it just put things out on the balcony (the limit of zero temperature) that unfortunately as I said has a view of the mountains, but especially on the road. The hours for breakfast and dinner are cut perfectly with the mountain activities and dinner is especially rich and diverse as well as really tasty, one of the three nights we also attended the dinner country characterized by abundant and delicious course as indeed were also those of other days. To tell the truth I have to say that the first night, I risked a real indigestion while I ate the last of strangling priests butter, mushrooms and sage to scream! Overall I must say congratulations to the structure and especially the chef!
Spa : Compared to what seemed to be the godson of Fiuggi smaller and badly dressed, but I must say that even if we were faced with a limited-service spa, the fact that we have been able to take in a virtually exclusive has earned at least three more points! The small indoor heated pool, sauna, turkish bath and scented showers after the long walks I must say I have been a real blessing.
Canazei : nice country, but rather chaotic than the other, there was just passing by one morning and I must say that is enough.
Passo S. Pellegrino : a huge expanse of snow and I would call a fairly traditional landscape with the mountains and the plants on both sides, divided by the road, the area for cross-country skiers. Less beautiful landscape compared to other countries, but certainly impact and fun for skiers.
Snowmobile Deluxe! |
Pozza di Fassa : Here I left my heart! In the mountains of Pozza I did one of the best experiences of my life: climbing on a snowmobile, a visit to the refuge and tobogganing. For those who do not know Mary and I are not skiers: you in the past tried to get on a couple of times while I ski, accomplices knees "broken", I never even thought to try this thrill it is for this reason that three days in the Dolomites together we tried the "attractions" alternative, first of all the sledging! To be honest this was one of my main priorities, however, that Mary has accepted and lived with enthusiasm despite the holes in the water that we collected in the first two days of stay. In fact, the Information Centres had sent us a bit 'into the fray, proposing ski bob sled for kids or hire on board sky-track that had nothing to do with the idea that I had of "sledging". All this before knowing the Refuge Golf just Pozza di Fassa. The owners of this remote hut in the mountains of Val di Fassa in fact they had guaranteed the opportunity to call and sledging on the track exclusively or at least that was what I had understood and Mary, and never imagined we would have to live what I am tell! Arriving at the shelter was already own a business, in fact, a good hour of on-road and snow is not enough. Arrived at the foot of the mountain top to reach areas, we are due to get on a snowmobile velocissima che ci ha portato a destinazione dopo aver effettuato un tragitto di sei km tra la foresta e le distese innevate della montagna. Già questa da sola era stata un’esperienza unica, ma a renderla memorabile è stata la possibilità di ripercorrere a ritroso gli stessi sei km di tragitto solo con lo slittino! Inizialmente io e Maria ci siamo guardati increduli e anche un po’ spaventati, poi dopo averne parlato un attimo abbiamo capito che l’occasione di vivere a pieno quell’esperienza probabilmente non ci sarebbe più capitata. Così dopo una sosta al rifugio per un pranzo fugace ci siamo messi belli comodi sul nostro slittino e siamo partiti per l’emozionante discesa. Beh spiegare a parole la vastità dei panorami che abbiamo ammirato, il silenzio (in)naturale della cima della montagna, lo scenario mozzafiato della pista di ghiaccio ricavata nella foresta e la bellezza del ruscello che scorreva fiero tra gli alberi e le rocce risulterebbe difficile anche per un “paroliere” più preparato e “ricco” di me! La mezz’ora che ci abbiamo messo per scendere è stata sicuramente la più suggestiva ed anche la più divertente di tutta la vacanza e personalmente forse anche della mia vita. Per chiunque deciderà di passare dei giorni in Val di Fassa, sciatore o non, è d’obbligo l’escursione al rifugio Campiè!
Panorami : mozzafiato! Io nei tre giorni Dolomites have been spent on more than one occasion with his mouth open to contemplate scenarios that appeared in front of me with an emotion and an almost childlike wonder I admit, this definitely is largely due to the fact that I and the mountains, the snow and I have never had a close and exclusive relationship, but I am sure that even those who are more accustomed to these places before certain "visions" would remain as enchanted me.
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Bombardini Time! |
Cuisine: local time we were lucky to try it la seconda sera durante la cena contadina: speck e arrosto aromatizzato non è mai mancato sulla nostra tavola come del resto lo strudel alle mele e i canederli con lamponi, crema o cioccolato; squisiti anche i ravioli di carne alle erbe ed il tortino di polenta ricoperto di formaggio fuso e porcini (anche se duro da digerire!) oltre alla carne ai ferri sempre di ottima qualità ed il ricco antipasto di salumi, formaggi e verdure grigliate. Il mio voto dunque non può che essere molto alto.
La Birra : buonissima quella chiara tedesca sia alla spina che in bottiglia. Molto meglio quella prodotta artigianalmente a Fassa aromatizzata alle castagne o al miele che ho apprezzato molto perché pur essendo piuttosto cruda rimaneva morbida al gusto.
Il Bombardino : dopo due giorni di “pressioni” prima di ripartire sono riuscito a condividere un bel momento con Maria, quello del suo primo Bombardino; questo liquore tipicamente servito agli sciatori caldo liscio o con aggiunta di panna o cioccolato è davvero troppo piacevole al palato per non essere provato. Certo se sei proprio astemio come Maria gli effetti possono essere divertenti (gambe molli, calore diffuso per il corpo e tendenza al sorriso), ma ti possono anche mettere un po’ K.O. o fuori uso per qualche ora come successo a me soprattutto se servito in “porzione” doppia e dopo una pinta di birra! Però il Bombardino heat is a must for those going to the Dolomites!
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It 's hard but we'll ... |
Conclusion: things to tell and write there are still many, many, but it's just close it here just in time to not reveal too much of the Dolomites and leave the reader a desire, a temptation to go or for those who already know them to return. I put on my long weekend spent in and around Moena among the best holidays because it has experienced in recent years called emotions and feelings that are difficult to test in other contexts and because everything is possible with extremely low costs. The fact that skiing is not true that it can be a limitation, I guess what you can have fun by combining what has been done by us to ski, but now I have to say that the structures of the mountain are super organized in every way I want to add that time limit we are not able to do several things that could be fun and exciting as attending a real snowshoeing, sledding down at night, go to the track of the boats on the ice, go to a game of ice hockey, do sky-karts and much more. Council to all the Dolomites and in particular Moena, which is good Queen of the Valley in my country più bello che ho visto e vissuto…
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Frequent Wetness Prior To Menstruation
Al box per il 50° anniversario |
Roma : sabato 12 febbraio il Tour Calciatori Panini ha fatto finalmente tappa a Roma; era da diversi mesi che aspettavo questo momento e forte dell’esperienza dell’anno scorso mi sono presentato all’appuntamento preparato di tutto punto! Al Panini Tour del 2010, complice l’inesperienza, ero arrivato in tarda mattinata ed avevo perso tantissimo tempo a fare la fila al box per avere le dieci figurine a scelta in regalo e non ero stato molto “brillante” nello scambio figurine con gli altri partecipanti alla Fiera. Questa volta ho deciso di non fare gli stessi errori, per questo mi sono dato appuntamento con Luciano detto “Il Ragioniere” alle 10 davanti casa mia per stare a viale America intorno alle 10.20. Partiti in perfetto orario quando siamo arrivati all’EUR c’era già parecchia gente in fila davanti al box Panini (nulla a che fare comunque con l’anno scorso). Prima di mettermi in coda ho controllato che il mio Kit-Panini fosse apposto: mancolista scritta al computer con suddivisione delle figurine mancanti tra Serie A, B etc., doppini messi in ordine numerico, doppia copia della lista delle dieci figurine da richiedere direttamente Sandwiches made on site, comfortable clothing, coat pockets and multi-camera, to capture the day. Once in a row, not to waste time, I decided to break the ice began a frantic exchange with the people around me! I missed 124 stickers to complete the album and this time I was determined to make the booty full as last year I came home with 17 stickers missing! That said - made the concealed-miss was fine after about three hours and I missed six figures to complete your collection! Mandate the exposure Luciano add a couple of hours a parking meter, I started looking for the last three: Udinese Benatar, the team from Portsmouth and Troest and colleagues dell’Atalanta! In venti minuti scarsi sono riuscito ad avere i primi due, ma per Troest sembrava una missione impossibile perché della figurina n.500 sembrava non esserci traccia! Quando ormai avevo perso la speranza ed avevo cominciato a pensare che l’avrei dovuta richiedere alla Panini, eccola apparire quando meno te l’aspetti da un mini mazzetto di figurine che siccome erano davvero poche non volevo neanche guardare! Per premiare il bambino che mi aveva appena fatto completare l’Album 2010-2011 ho deciso di regalargli venti figurine a scelta! Alle 14.11 la mia missione era compiuta! E siccome si era fatta una certa ora e il parchimetro era buono per almeno un’altra ora ho invitato il prezioso Luciano a pranzo in una pizza in front of the pond to celebrate my personal triumph! From this experience I have left several things that I want to write here:
The Wish complete! passion for baseball cards does not really have time! It was great to see so many fathers (as well as mothers) and children with lists in hand even exchanging duplicates with two albums, one each (the fathers of well-preserved, that of children less!);
- compared to 'Last year there was even more people;
- Panini once again not been able to organize an event worthy of its importance! Compared with a year ago because there were no better, and I think the Tour has taken a step back!
- Three poor girls alone behind the counter to deal with an exaggerated crowd loudly demanded that their figures did not seem a great idea!
- Sandwiches The box was once again very little entertainment with a couple of guys to do free-style with the ball was neither original (equal to last year!) It addictive!
- Location for the second consecutive year wrong! Cute the district, but for an event so large it was a better place or a building indoors rather than a seedy sidewalks! There were so many people that someone has been forced to trade in the street or on the lawn:
- As we celebrate the fiftieth year after the player rolls the first collection I would expect a region considered a Show event with exposed old albums, figurines, some rarity or other objects on the World Panini, but nothing at all!
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L'ultima figurina! |
Per l’anno prossimo mi aspetto qualcosa di più, ma se non è stato fatto nulla per i 50 anni figuriamoci se faranno qualcosa di speciale o diverso negli anni a venire. Concludo solo scrivendo un’ultima considerazione: dall’anno prossimo la mancolista la devo fare scrivendo i numeri delle figurine mancanti e non i giocatori, perché altrimenti è davvero molto più dura…
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What Adaptor Do I Need For Tokyo
Prayer For some time ....
At a certain time .. I. .. respond to a call center.
At a certain time ... I ... wonder .. hello do you need? For
a certain time .. I ... I refer to the call center ...
At a certain time ... I ... go to the bathroom
At a certain time ... I ... I say .. do you need? tell me ...
At a certain time ... I ... smoke two cigarettes.
At a certain time .. I ... respond to a call center.
At a certain time .. I ... I wonder if what you want is what I do .. if what I think is what I say ... if what I believe is what I hope ...
Then, at a certain time I. .. I say ... simone are ready ... do you need? tell me.
At a certain time .. I. .. respond to a call center.
At a certain time ... I ... wonder .. hello do you need? For
a certain time .. I ... I refer to the call center ...
At a certain time ... I ... go to the bathroom
At a certain time ... I ... I say .. do you need? tell me ...
At a certain time ... I ... smoke two cigarettes.
At a certain time .. I ... respond to a call center.
At a certain time .. I ... I wonder if what you want is what I do .. if what I think is what I say ... if what I believe is what I hope ...
Then, at a certain time I. .. I say ... simone are ready ... do you need? tell me.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Una Ragazza Molto Viziosa Buy
Ladies and Gentlemen .... Sunday is past history.
E 'past history on the streets patrolled by dozens of women.
E 'past history in the hearts and faces of those people who are armed with dignity and went to spit in the face of the power that they do not fit.
E 'passed despite the carousels of "thinkers" who considered anachronistic and even ridiculous event.
I read the opinion of some "free thinker" who wondered if he should still shouting slogans in the streets in the twenty-first century.
I would like the columnist did the same declaration in front of hundreds of Egyptians who have come to shoot their voices heard.
I wish the events of women, real women, not those that are cast into the political and show business today, women who live next to me and have taught this "man" a plenty of real life, there was every week. I'd like to sound the charge in the face of those who profess trombones for freedom and equality and then they take very little seriously any social policy initiative of the "fairer sex". Those hypocrites of the "quote rosa" as the phrase " Behind a great man there is always a great woman " than anything else I think is the most 'great whore of 900. I'd like to make them afraid, because this is the only reason for their skepticism. FEAR.
I have not attended the event not because I thought that it was not business for me, I'm not concerned. But only because I am convinced that women can do without me. That my place is my place. I have nothing to teach them. Even as the insurgency becomes, like so many other pretend to do. I'm glad that macho feeling of security displayed by all people in all settings, for a Sunday it is flawed. Keep it up. Do not let the matter be limited to a Sunday. I say this man, trying not to be hypocritical. I have my faults and I certainly do not usurp the place of a "feminist" and I hope that no woman hear these words as ridiculous, rhetorical or anything else.
I'd like to say to women who were in the square Sunday, of any race, political orientation, religion, social class, in short, THANK YOU to all. Thank you so much because
you are a breath of fresh air in this country by feelings shrunken. Thank you for
said honestly, have shown that probably the point where we're only a woman can get a lesson in dignity.
Ladies and Gentlemen .... Sunday is past history.
E 'past history on the streets patrolled by dozens of women.
E 'past history in the hearts and faces of those people who are armed with dignity and went to spit in the face of the power that they do not fit.
E 'passed despite the carousels of "thinkers" who considered anachronistic and even ridiculous event.
I read the opinion of some "free thinker" who wondered if he should still shouting slogans in the streets in the twenty-first century.
I would like the columnist did the same declaration in front of hundreds of Egyptians who have come to shoot their voices heard.
I wish the events of women, real women, not those that are cast into the political and show business today, women who live next to me and have taught this "man" a plenty of real life, there was every week. I'd like to sound the charge in the face of those who profess trombones for freedom and equality and then they take very little seriously any social policy initiative of the "fairer sex". Those hypocrites of the "quote rosa" as the phrase " Behind a great man there is always a great woman " than anything else I think is the most 'great whore of 900. I'd like to make them afraid, because this is the only reason for their skepticism. FEAR.
I have not attended the event not because I thought that it was not business for me, I'm not concerned. But only because I am convinced that women can do without me. That my place is my place. I have nothing to teach them. Even as the insurgency becomes, like so many other pretend to do. I'm glad that macho feeling of security displayed by all people in all settings, for a Sunday it is flawed. Keep it up. Do not let the matter be limited to a Sunday. I say this man, trying not to be hypocritical. I have my faults and I certainly do not usurp the place of a "feminist" and I hope that no woman hear these words as ridiculous, rhetorical or anything else.
I'd like to say to women who were in the square Sunday, of any race, political orientation, religion, social class, in short, THANK YOU to all. Thank you so much because
you are a breath of fresh air in this country by feelings shrunken. Thank you for
said honestly, have shown that probably the point where we're only a woman can get a lesson in dignity.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Atonement Green Dress Pattern
Warning. Negri in sight! Welcome
After the extraordinary events of North Africa, reproduce the northward migration. The first destination to visit after crossing the Mediterranean to Italy.
But bad luck. All else fails the traveler! In Italy are becoming increasingly racist!
yourself for example in Italy it can happen that a bunch of young picchino to death at a bus stop, a boy claiming to fascism. Or it may be that in Italy some neostronzo write on a wall in front of a Roma camp: ROM -4. And do not even have the guts to sign the statement simply by putting a swastika on the tail. Or
in Italy can happen and is happening, the interior minister is a racist and a deserving asshole. It may happen that instead of looking to North Africa as the land on which poor people start looking for an opportunity, you think, as usual, his pathetic little garden, saying all Italians, "terror alert". Like the fascists fear of this thing. Italians like to be scared and silenced whipped to please their master.
to those who come to Italy in search of an opportunity I'd like to say that if watching TV is the idea did an Italian who is always smiling, driving luxury cars, take part in exclusive parties, drinking champagne in a nightclub, is usually revels in his six houses scattered throughout the peninsula, which can afford to do what he wants so there should never be in jail, here , my dear fellow traveler of the South, what you saw on our television and Raissa. We watch and nothing else. We look to the limit and a bit of masturbation, we have a fiat and, at least from what I'm concerned I have very little desire to laugh.
After the extraordinary events of North Africa, reproduce the northward migration. The first destination to visit after crossing the Mediterranean to Italy.
But bad luck. All else fails the traveler! In Italy are becoming increasingly racist!
yourself for example in Italy it can happen that a bunch of young picchino to death at a bus stop, a boy claiming to fascism. Or it may be that in Italy some neostronzo write on a wall in front of a Roma camp: ROM -4. And do not even have the guts to sign the statement simply by putting a swastika on the tail. Or
in Italy can happen and is happening, the interior minister is a racist and a deserving asshole. It may happen that instead of looking to North Africa as the land on which poor people start looking for an opportunity, you think, as usual, his pathetic little garden, saying all Italians, "terror alert". Like the fascists fear of this thing. Italians like to be scared and silenced whipped to please their master.
to those who come to Italy in search of an opportunity I'd like to say that if watching TV is the idea did an Italian who is always smiling, driving luxury cars, take part in exclusive parties, drinking champagne in a nightclub, is usually revels in his six houses scattered throughout the peninsula, which can afford to do what he wants so there should never be in jail, here , my dear fellow traveler of the South, what you saw on our television and Raissa. We watch and nothing else. We look to the limit and a bit of masturbation, we have a fiat and, at least from what I'm concerned I have very little desire to laugh.
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Friday, February 11, 2011
What Can I Take For A White Blister On My Gum
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Mi è costata un'occhio! |
Rome: some of you (probably those who follow me for the longest time) is wondering why it is so long that not even the place and do not talk about my short film or a project to build one, the answer for a number of reasons that I am not here to explain can not be one. Of course my last short Mia, is now almost a year and if we think that including the 2009 Christmas Ball a year these days I'd turned five, well the comparison with this winter is really embarrassing! But back to the reasons: first there was the change brought me home and takes me a long time, then there was my "partner" che ha avuto il terzo figlio e per questo ha deciso di concedersi un anno sabbatico lontano da macchine da prese ed effetti speciali; poi c'è stato che mi sono goduto a pieno i primi mesi di convivenza ed ho ricominciato a fare qualche viaggetto dopo il tanto essere stato fermo; poi ci sono state tante altre piccole cose che hanno sempre rallentato o annullato ogni progetto di ripresa. Così dopo quasi un anno mi ritrovo con all'attivo solo due "video": lo spot "Carne al Fuoco - AIA" ed "Il Ballo di Natale 2010". Belli e divertenti da realizzare devo ammettere, però lontanissimi da quello che attualmente desidero fare: uno su tutti Hoster 2, ma anche Planes o L'Astronave! per dimostrare che comunque la voglia e lo spirito e l'entusiasmo non manca, pur non avendo girato nulla, io un pò di lavoro me lo sono portato avanti: la sceneggiatura "ufficiale" di Hoster 2 è a buon punto (e per Hoster 3 è questione di dettagli), sto frequentando un Corso di Sceneggiatura di "genere" e ho modernizzato un pò la mia attrezzatura acquistando una nuova Telecamera semi professionale Canon (quella in foto) ed un programma di editing piuttosto completo, iMovie 11 . La Canon in questione è la XM2 un modello di inizio 2007 che viene definito come punto di passaggio tra le handicam e le telecamere professionali; di listino la XM2 costa ancora oggi intorno ai 2500 euro, io l'ho presa usata (ma è tenuta benissimo) con tre batterie and an additional target Wide fantastic bargain at a great price! to find it took me almost a month and to have it at my price I had to haggle for almost three uninterrupted days, but I must say that it was worth it because this Canon is a semi-professional camera very flexible allowing a large number of all uses of a certain quality level. I picked this model because it has a very good microphone since my courts have always had big problems with audio. I have not used yet, but soon we'll put up their hands and see what happens. As for iMovie, although an amateur program has audio-video editing capabilities really deep (the Christmas Dance 2 è stato montato con questo). Ora non mi voglio dilungare ancora, ma visto che l'intestazione del blog recita "produzioni cinematografiche amatoriali" mi sembrava doveroso puntualizzare. Un saluto a tutti a presto per nuovi cine-aggiornamenti...
Battery Operated Straighteners
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Scanjet 7400c Scanner Could Not Be Initialised
La cucina : detto che le gite fuori porta mie e di Maria sono “low cost” posso affermare che a Calcata ci sono tantissimi localini in cui assaporare la cucina locale a prezzi davvero ottimi; su questo argomento però non posso esprimere un giudizio perché per to optimize the cost this time we decided to eat the pizza in an oven of the place. Result? Three slices of pizza also good and a can of Coke just over six euro. The only drawback: the guy in the bar slow, clumsy and confused!
Rome: and here we are finally on the second missed appointment with the new heading of "tourism do-me" on "But today is Sunday." After Orvieto is now the turn of Calcata.
Here we are! |
(my) history : in August 1996 for the first time I put my feet out of Italy to visit Paris with an organized trip dal dopolavoro delle Ferrovie dello Stato. Fu durante quel soggiorno che sentii parlare per la prima volta di Calcata da alcuni ragazzi che ci vivevano. Nell’ottobre dello stesso anno, invitato ad una festa di compleanno da uno dei ragazzi conosciuti in Francia, andai per la prima ed ultima volta a Calcata. I miei ricordi di questo paesino alle porte di Roma si fermano lì…
Come arrivarci : da Roma, Calcata è facilmente raggiungibile in diversi modi, io per non pagare il pedaggio in Autostrada, ho deciso di prendere l’uscita 5 del G.R.A. per percorrere la Cassia bis in direzione Viterbo. Da lì in poi basta seguire le indicazioni per Mazzano Romano e dopo circa 50 km sei nel centro del paese. Senza traffico e con un’andatura tranquilla come la mia in circa quaranta minuti ci arrivi.
Calcata – oggi : l’unica cosa che sapevo di Calcata prima di andarci il weekend passato era il suo soprannome “Il paese delle Streghe”, credo dovuto al fatto che il suo centro storico si trova tutto arroccato in cima ad una rupe di tufo dove il tempo sembra essersi improvvisamente fermato e dove vicoli e vicoletti piuttosto bui fanno da padroni. Questa sua “oscura” reputazione rende così Calcata una delle mete più affascinanti per la notte di Halloween. Devo dire che anche io passeggiando per le viuzze del centro ho avvertito un qualcosa di “magico” legato soprattutto all’atmosfera che regna in ogni vicolo ed in ogni stradina del borghetto medievale. Comunque sia paese delle streghe o non a me Calcata è piaciuta: nonostante fosse domenica trovare il parcheggio non è stato difficile ed essendo molto piccolo come paesino girarlo tutto a piedi, oltre che piacevole, è stato anche molto semplice. L’epicentro di Calcata è la piazzetta dove regna la Chiesa intorno alla quale, attraverso un intreccio di strade e stradine, vicoli e vicoletti, salite e discese, si estende il resto del paese. Ad ogni angolo ti trovi davanti una bottega di un artigiano o una piccola galleria d’arte ed ovviamente tantissimi ristorantini di cucina tipica. Io e Maria, come abitudine vuole, ci siamo fermati a vederli tutti senza però rimanere particolarmente colpiti da nessuno in particolare. I locali ricavati all’interno della roccia e del tufo sono ovviamente quasi tutti fatiscenti tranne alcune eccezioni.
Ma che buono qui... |
Tips: from the local handicraft products must taste of the oven "Sweets for the sweets" situated just to the left of the entrance to the village church. Delicious and cheap.
Trivia: Soccer and full of cats! Find one in each corner or alley or in front of shops. The importance of cats, from which nasce probabilmente anche l’appellativo di paese delle streghe, si nota anche dai nomi dei ristoranti e da quelli dei piatti tipici che richiamano alla fama e alle razze dei misteriosi felini.
Conclusioni : Calcata può essere la meta ideale per una breve passeggiata domenicale vicino a Roma perché facilmente raggiungibile e visitabile in largo e lungo in un paio di ore. Un “must” sono le scarpette comode, la macchinetta fotografica per immortalare gli splendidi scorci del borghetto medievale e i panorami mozzafiato, il dolcetto miele e polenta e le penne al gatto nero di cui tutti parlano con entusiasmo.
How To Cook Eggplant In Toaster
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Ma dov'è il 3D? |
Roma : " I viaggi di Gulliver " è sempre stata secondo me una delle fiabe più belle mai scritte in assoluto e per questo da amante del cinema quale sono mi sono chiesto spesso durante questi anni come mai ancora nessuno avesse pensato di realizzarne una trasposizione cinematografica di questa favola rivisitata in chiave moderna; tutto questo fino all'anno scorso, quando Jack Black decided to fund and act in the film that would tell the known events of the character was born from the pen of Jonathan Swift . Upon hearing the news I thought Jack Black Gulliver + + 3D = ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE! but in spite of myself, after seeing him yesterday, I am compelled to write that "The Fantastic Gulliver's Travels" have absolutely nothing fantastic but the price: 11 € for the projection in 3D! It is precisely why I want to start talking: the 3D today is the biggest legalized scam movie exists! but why sell a movie in 3D when the third dimension in two-hour film there is no trace? this is absurd! I swear there is no 3D nothing and you miss it just because you're forced to wear those ridiculous glasses and pay the ticket because it 4 € more! and believe me to say if this is a fan of 3D-enhanced like me then it's truth! as it is true that 90% of the movies that sell in 3D are false, it remains the sole exception of Avatar that was really well done, when the 3D is only suitable for the animated film (and unfortunately not all) then try not to get fooled. That said the film can be summed up in two words: boring and banal! for more than an hour you can expect a plot twist, an acceleration, a bit of movement that never. Any average viewer will be able to predict the next move is obvious as the plot (non-existent) and it pains me to admit it, not just the presence of Jack Black to make the film enjoyable or interesting enough, and indeed love him at all costs to put an electric guitar in hand to use his facial expressions and knows he saw and reviewed at some point it becomes almost frustrating! Jack Black loves rock and pick everyone knows by now, so just please! finally add just one thing: a movie like this you expect of funny gags, jokes and lots of healthy fun intelligent, well forget all that, the only thing that you should expect are the yawns!
Maria NB I pointed out that this film is not suitable for viewers who have more than 12 years!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Golden Retriever And Sore On Nose
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Too right! |
Rome: After months of searching I finally managed to find on the Internet (pagando!) my personal copy of the British TV series "Sherlock Holmes 2010 " I had read several comments here and rather flattering on this new television series broadcast exclusively on BBC television series obviously inspired by the events of the famous character created by Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle, however, re-planted in modern London! already the basic idea seemed to me then the brilliant skill with which they were treated even the smallest details did the rest, the choice of the leading actors ( Benedict Sherlock Cumberbatch is just fantastic!) , the environment, through the plot always engaging, credible, well-researched everything is damn beautiful and perfect! and if at all this, we also directed a really perfect and a study of the characters simply fantastic then you're done and you can talk about the best TV series of the year if not ever! In fact, before Sherlock (also seen in the original language) I felt a sense of involvement, amazement and admiration in the past I tried with only the pilot of Dr. House! said this would add that as usual, the Italian television there understand a shit, because it is not possible in our magic box (stuffed with junk programs) will never see Sherlock 2010 "because no one has bought the rights! so who is concerned has no alternative and is forced or download it or buy it anywhere as I did, but I assure you it was worth it!
NB Sherlock's first season consists of only three episodes of 90 min. about each.
I Think Im Inlove Quotes
Place Where ....
Welcome to Italy ...
Welcome to Italy ...
Here is the Vatican is not a fucking joke. Here the fundamental rights are safeguarded and from a "secular" state that an enlightened religion.
We are not at all how those Islamic countries that stoned women. We are enlightened .. civilian lighthouse we are we in the West. We are also better than those gluttons for Yankes. We also have more capital punishment. No
not true .. agree I was exaggerating.
A bit of advertising for my country ...
Ok .. the death penalty in Italy's ...
One thing, the United States in 2009 executed 52 people.
Assassins, heinous criminals .. but probably some innocent people.
In Italy we do best .. we do not waste money for processes. In 2009, the mozzarella in the country have died in prison while they were in "custody" at the state, 177 people.
I write letters because maybe we have not understood. CENTOSETTANTASETTE PEOPLE!
AHHAHAHHA! There are
saw the United States.
They spend millions and even condemn the innocent.
We do not spend a cock and even kill people awaiting trial.
beaten up or left to die of starvation. The only effort required kilocalories are wasted by the wardens to wield the baton. I skipped meals held by us to save some money. Usually we kill toxic tramps thieves, and especially strange people. Those who eat and do not produce. And for the inhuman conditions in some prisons some exasperated hang themselves. More money saved.
If we were in Germany would call AUSMERZEN. In Italy we call STEP.
we are better, we are the best. And the Vatican is anxious to criticize the United States for their performances, while we in the house and killed the two daughters and not even realize it. Always been wary of men with skirts.
"Welcome to the place where" ... Words change their meaning and the tragedies and executions, and the exercise of power becomes ignorant Good Government.
Catching Celebi In Gold
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Ci siamo quasi... |
Roma : finalmente dopo le due precedenti locandine oscene andate in giro per il web in questi ultimi mesi, eccone finalmente una come si deve; è quella ufficiale del film ed anche se non è propriamente originale (l'utilizzo del protagonista col braccione al centro della scena è ormai un "classico"!) è sicuramente di gran lunga migliore delle altre; ed ora in attesa dell'uscita nelle sale, aspetto un teaser o un trailer che fosse degno di questo nome!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Reviews Leapers Rifle Scopes
300 and 10 (retching # 5) 2,000,000
Ten more ...
Ten more ...
then maybe even ten ten ten
and before that already have passed.
Then the flames and burnt bins
behind news of this last hour
"Power generation consumes a"
"Among the martyrs blood and the whole nation"
"Il Duce does not run away is near"
... and blood is spilled by the citizen.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Do People Embrace Being A Redneck
even with two million.
President, dictator (for more information thanks to the free Italiot I discovered that the president is a dictator, only a week scorsa) non molla. E' incredibile vedere quanto il potere risucchia gli uomini e le loro anime. Due milioni di persone ti si presentano in giardino con una sola intenzione, CACCIARTI FUORI DAI COGLIONI, e tu ... che fai.. Prometti loro ... non mi ricandido. State tranquilli le vostre richieste sono legittime, io sono un infame ma non me ne vado.. non per ora. Davvero incredibile. Cosa rimane da fare a quei poveri due milioni di cittadini praticamente ignorati dal potere? Insomma loro sono arrabbiati. Avranno le loro buone ragioni .. e poi .. sono due milioni!!!
Forse la rivoluzione, quella vera quella armata quella che nessuno sembra voler fare. Perchè al popolo generalmente checchè se ne dica, non piace essere massacrato. Non piace fare per under the revolution, indeed .. in Italy for example in my country ... the people prefer to watch TV.
But now it seems clear, the TV in Egypt is probably not much and the conditions are really pushed to its limits as saying .. the power has passed the measure.
freedom moves in strange ways. Sometimes in ways that do not like that scare. Why freedom is not in control ... Free is not even the master of freedom. The attempt to resist the tyrant is but a desperate attempt by the power use of its resources until exhausted. Power as a parasite creeps into the consciousness of an individual in pursuit of destroying its only end. Store itself.
Now this is not an excuse for dictators, far be it from me to make an apology for accusing the potent power, but only this to say, the powerful alone is just a man, the system that makes it powerful is stronger than him. A revolution can free a man to return power to another man or more men (which in fact does not fundamentally change things and we should also have learned Italic people). But only a revolution can free us from power. It is the hardest, the most profound, the one with less bloodshed, but with more energy use. One that leads to a mirage of the world where power is not the system around which all lives revolve. E 'renunciation of power. E 'education bambini e dei giovani alla rinuncia al potere. Senza se e senza ma. In una parola, bistrattata, usata molto spesso a torto, che spaventa, usata come spauracchio per difendere il potere, insomma in una sola unica parola.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Christian Songs For Retirement
Rome: the stories about sports, drama, sacrifice, willpower and rebirth I have been and are still very sensitive and affectionate, will be my strong feeling or simply the fact that my way several years ago, a rather serious injury to a knee he stole one of my biggest dreams to play football. That is why, after five operations, each time I read or see something that tells a small part of a fact even remotely similar to mine, I feel in a kind of jolt that makes me immediately excited, passionate and closer to the events narrated. It 'happened in the past with "Peaceful Warrior" ugly film taken from the most noble and beautiful book "The Way of the warrior of peace" and has now happened with "Soul Surfer," a film based on a true story, that of the surfer Bethany Hamilton, I will not add anything to avoid damaging the wait and surprise, the only thing I want to add the first to wish you a good view of the trailer is the film's release date on 8 April.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Printer Make Scented Paper Car
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Red Capillaries In Eye
by Tiziano De Martino
by Tiziano De Martino
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Great cast! |
Rome: start by saying that Inception is a great movie, but not the best I've ever seen, and even the best I've seen in recent times and this for one simple reason: I Inception to long stretches I have not got it! And I challenge also those that have incensed as the best film of the year to explain most of the steps. Inception is in fact a very complex film that I think deserves to be appreciated fully, a second and third minimum vision if not consulting a guide to the film, with this however is not to say that Christopher Nolan film does not deserve to be seen, even for those who loves cinema is required to see it, but it should be clear up front that you will find yourself in front of a movie "stubborn" and a visionary who reminded me in some ways the first Matrix. Honestly I can not go into more detailed talks a bit 'because this is not my kind of film a little 'because any attempt to deeper analysis of the same might be superficial, however, given the complexity of the story. The only things I can say are:
- Christopher Nolan : Is it really a big (and young) director and screenwriter who has a filmography of all his respect that goes to The Prestige Memento through the two Batman: Inception While I saw I could not help but think what might have been difficult to write the screenplay and how it has been difficult to explain the whole project to the producer. Faced with so much creativity and skill I take off my hat ...
- Leo Di Caprio : it is truly a giant of cinema! The former boy wonder of the Titanic is now in my opinion one of the best, if not the best, players in the film world, expressive, mature, convincing Leo has made a dramatic leap in quality and if I liked it so much here in Departed was just amazing. My congratulations are extended to the entire cast, however.
- The final : compared to the whole network that has characterized the film was a bit 'trivial in the sense that was what was expected without any surprises or plot twists. A wink to the audience after severely tested throughout the film screening.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Salvage Snowmobiles For Sale In Michigan
Rome : with Orvieto open officially a new section of the blog dedicated to my little and big trips where I will tell in a very simple and above all without the use of wikipedia and co. my feelings and my feelings about the places visited.
Rome : with Orvieto open officially a new section of the blog dedicated to my little and big trips where I will tell in a very simple and above all without the use of wikipedia and co. my feelings and my feelings about the places visited.
(my) history : Orvieto until Wednesday, there was once a Saturday in late November several years ago during the retreat pre-pre-communion and confirmation, ran the 'year 2003, I was twenty-eight years and was at the end of a rather complex spiritual journey that I had approached the church, I had the urge to "recover" the sacraments lost during adolescence and that I will certainly not here to tell . That 'only time I had been visiting the famous Duomo and I had confessed to my friend as we walked Aleardo serene esplanade in front of the church.
Maria incuriosita da una delle sculture |
Prime impressioni : tornandoci dopo otto anni la prima cosa che ho notato è stata la (mia) rivalutazione delle distanze e degli spazi. Le distanze: Orvieto allora mi era sembrata molto più distante mentre da Roma ci si arriva con un'oretta e mezza ad andatura tranquilla percorrendo l'Autostrada Roma – Firenze che è davvero una bella strada, tutta dritta, asfaltata e per lunghissimi tratti a tre corsie. Gli spazi: nel 2003 il Duomo e la piazza su cui campeggia mi era sembrato di una vastità quasi immensa, mentre rivedendolo ora ha invece tutte le caratteristiche di una chiesa di discrete proporzioni inserita all'interno di un piazzale non molto grande e dispersivo come ricordavo.
Parcheggio : i parcheggi nel centro storico della cittadina sono quasi tutti riservati (anche giustamente) ai residenti, quelli blu a pagamento non sono molti e pur essendoci stato di mercoledì e non nel week-end trovarne di liberi non è stato semplice.
Indicazioni : Not always clear, but the center is so small that in the end everything is turning round and round.
Mai on Wednesday : Orvieto is virtually deserted on Wednesday afternoon! The stores, all, from bars to bookstores through tobacconists and restaurants are all closed, so if you want to do some 'shopping is better to go in another day of the week. Despite this, with my trusty (and curious) travel companion we managed to do some shopping in the balance: a coat for her and a scarf for me really a great price.
Brrr...che freddo! |
La giornata : arrivati sul posto io e Maria abbiamo iniziato a girare per i vicoli ed i vicoletti che si intrecciano furiosi man mano che ci si avvicina al centro del paese che fonda (quasi) tutto il suo turismo sul famosissimo Duomo che però il mercoledì pomeriggio, come il resto dei servizi, rimane chiuso. Le strade sono molto curate e pulite e di fianco ai negozi più caratteristici (come botteghe artigianali, taverne ed hosterie) sono presenti panchine forgiate in legno che rappresentano of real works of art: we have different pictures and I must say all very nice, from those depicting Bacchus with those of animals or the seasons. The creator of these "sculptures" of wood in my opinion should be one because almost all showed the same style and even the same character that is a rich kid that I have to say a little 'like me. The fact that at 14:00 o'clock in the shops have closed a bit 'has limited our visit, but despite this we could see some shops one of which is very beautiful: "The World of Oz", a small laboratory Carillion figurines, miniatures games and tin really fascinating. The arrival of rain has unfortunately forced to retreat early, just in time to throw an eye to the Well of Saint Patrick and the station with the cable cars that if it was good weather I would certainly try.
Maria delighted by the "World of Oz" |
The kitchen : as has happened in all previous trips with Maria (Bologna, Tuscany, Liguria, Sardinia and Ponza) the task of choosing the place to eat it again touched her, and this per un semplice fatto: Maria non sbaglia un colpo! Sceglie sempre dei posti fantastici, belli esteticamente e soprattutto dove si mangia benissimo; ed Orvieto da questo punto di vista non fa eccezione perchè il bar – ristorante “Big – Bar” che ha scelto alla fine si è dimostrato nella sua semplicità davvero un successo in termini di qualità del cibo e di prezzi. Io per combattere il freddo e la pioggia ho scelto una zuppetta di farro, Maria un'insalata greca ed insieme ci siamo presi i crostoni al forno con salsiccia tipici del posto; la zuppa buona davvero servita con formaggio e crostini di pane, l'insalata fresca servita con focaccia ed infine i crostoni che ci hanno mandato in tilt le papille gustative! Questo più acqua, coca-cola ed un caffè ginseng meno di venti euro. E brava Maria...
Ci somigliamo vero? |
Conclusioni : intorno alle tre del pomeriggio , dopo quasi quattro ore da turisti, siamo tornati verso casa perchè la temperatura è scesa sensibilmente e la pioggia stava ricominciando a scendere. Orvieto tutto sommato mi è piaciuta nonostante non siamo stati “meteorologicamente” fortunati e nonostante abbiamo scelto il wrong day to visit. The local people have shown all very nice and helpful, the prices of services are very affordable and a choice of restaurants and places to go fairly broad. Of course being a village perched on a mountain to visit him for good advice to wear comfortable shoes and good calves. That said, being a small town Orvieto very distinctive, easily accessible and not far from Rome, for a trip outside the council without too much stress.
Footnotes : Thank you Maria for the pleasant company and sense of direction. Time to write the article 18 minutes listened to music while writing, "Owl City - Ocean Eyes."
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