Saturday, May 29, 2010

How To Take A Sublingual Tablet

'pacifier what we're missing. No, not what intosta on command.

In questa strana ma non nuova dimensione onirica, quello che ci vuole è definitely a good whiskey, maybe an old Sumerian number of years, perhaps with much of that turf him to make you think that no, you're drinking whiskey, it is just that, in the confusion, I have given a piece of coal and you have started suck.

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All bullshit.

Write, write what the fuck you want. Writing for television, write about you, fuck that remedies under a bridge or under a streetlight. But, by God, write well. Choose your words, do not pull them at random in the middle of a sentence just because you like the sound but can not remember their meaning. It is not a word that is difficult and elegance of another only because they know it in three. Maybe because of those three you are not there. They are only words inappropriately. You should have, would you LEAST could, buy, rent or just search on goggle, a lousy dictionary.

Ah, yes, it takes more than three three neurons to understand what is read. On a definition of a dictionary may be in fact an insurmountable difficulty, especially since, if any, may have more complicated words so as to force them to further use of that dictionary, thus triggering a chain reaction which could last in line entirely theoretical mind you, ad infinitum.

construction. The hermetic, holy souls, and others before them, we have said repeatedly, taught that stravolgere la costruzione di una frase si può, anzi quasi si deve, se si vuole mettere in evidenza una parola, una virgola, anche soltanto uno spazio, una pausa. Ma, allora, perché t'ostini, con perseveranza e pertinacia, a costruire le frasi a cazzo soltanto perché il discorso assume un tono più sostenuto. IO, questo, proprio non lo capisco. Un soggetto dopo quattordici subordinate si può fare, sì. Se sei De Andrè, magari, te lo puoi anche permettere. Se sei il citto del poro schifoso, magari, PENSACI. Perché non sempre la maggioranza sta, magari, qualche volta la maggioranza si schifa e ti manda affanculo, dove cioè, peraltro, ti meriti di andare.

E ora è ora di chiudere.

E soprattutto non t'inventare cazzate, che poi, da vecchio, le paghi.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Letter For Appartment Application

Silvio Berlusconi (your Chairman of the Board) declared:

We must make huge sacrifices! (We and Who?)

Siamo tutti sulla stessa barca! (AHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA)

La manovra correttiva (chissà poi cosa cazzo dovrò correggere io che guadagno appena i soldi che mi servono per vivere) Non toccherà pensioni e non farà aumentare le tasse (AHAHAHA Cazzo lo sapevo che era il figlio di Dio!!! Il prossimo sarà ... Giulio, alzati e cammina!!!!)

C'è lo io un idea ... sacrifici ok ... MA UMANI...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Out Of Town Guest Letter Template

Funny Satire "PRIOR"

Without Words

Monday, May 24, 2010

Denice Milani Pool Clip

European champions.

Introduction .. I'm not entirely.
I really enjoyed to watch the conquest of the Champion's League by Inter's training. The fact that they were fasting of victories in recent years has amplified the feeling of triumph. On the other jurisdiction by the football, I can only say that Milito is really fun, and see the whole of this period I enjoy playing football. Also wonderful choreography of the fans at the stadium. But I would not be a pain in the ass if you simply explained that I enjoyed. At some point during the evening with a link to the cathedral square in Milan. Do you see the square. Crowded? More ... invaded. At that time there was not even thinking but a question of Mr. Giancarlo, whole heart in more than half a century, watching the game with me, or rather I stayed at home to watch the game, let me thoughtfully. "Have you ever seen a crowd like that in a demonstration for the job?". Waiting to see 50 thousand people interested in the world and to their status as citizens the same ... inter compliments .. nice playing tournament .. and win.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Glasgow Cruising Spots

Sono tutti morti. E tu che diavolo ci fai ancora qui. No, niente, è solo che mi veniva di scrivere qualcosa su di un fiume nero e su di una luna gialla che c'ha provato ma proprio non ce l'ha fatta a diventare piena. Su qualcosa che doveva succedere. Di giornate campali, lunghe schifose con un chiodo piantato sulla lancetta dei secondi . Ma poi su quel niente non c'è molto da dire. E allora. Un respiro profondo. Non ce ne sono poi molte di cose di cui valga la pena di scrivere. Non c'è nemmeno più il gusto di riavvolgere il nastro per riascoltare quella canzone. REW STOP PLAY non sono ancora arrivato REW STOP PLAY non still shit FFW REW STOP PLAY STOP PLAY here now, yes. The digital age has taken away the sense of expectation and desire to try. Pick a number and press a button double click. What is the point. Comfort. I have never used a DVD scene selection. A film I watch it all, by God, and in the right direction, but Memento. And do not try to break my balls. but give me a bucket of popcorn.

A blog published in MC LP CD. A blog by copying and be transformed into emmepittrè. The quality will not suffer that much, are, however, always been very low-fi. I've always been in favor of a burning aware. It is important to properly protect themselves and know exactly what you want.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

2010 Modl Immigration

not flowers but I

" ...quello che mi chiedo, a volte, e adesso è proprio una di quelle volte, è cosa cazzo ci faccio ancora qui."

Mi guardasti stupita. Come se tu non l'avessi capito da un pezzo che razza di merda io fossi. Lo sapevi, e nonostante questo avevi avuto l'incoscienza di credere che avresti potuto cambiarmi.

"...quello che mi sconvolge, a volte, e adesso è proprio una di quelle volte, è che le donne del terzo millennio non abbiano ancora capito che gli uomini non cambiano."

Credevi di potermi redimere, credevi che lavorandoci  avresti potuto farmi tornare sulla retta via, farmi abbandonare questa mia vita fatta vice, a colossal hangover, fuck in the processes of the worst clubs in the city, a fierce wake up at three in the afternoon.

"... what I believe now is that you did not want to change anything. In fact, my being rubbish, my being a shit, was the only thing that attracts you. If I had really changed, as if I You told a million times I pulled out the diamond hidden inside me, now that you would be bored, that you ask what the fuck are we still doing here, you'd make me the speech that I'm doing. "

Here's what you wanted: save then be able to say I did it, to tell about how I had pulled out of alcoholism and all the other crap in my life. I still remember when you arrived home I was quite delighted with that stronzissima shirt and told me that I had set a job interview. I went to the interview, yes, one of the usual T-shirts and one of my best booze. The shirt is still hanging in the closet, if I was a little 'shit I could not give it away to the poor.

"... what you should do now is put in a box all of your junk and remove the noise. By the way, take back the shirt. I do not need. Give her the poor."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Is It Illegal To Burn P90x Dvd

... a beautiful poem


I do not accuse the breath of storm
riappiccato that the flame of my chest
besieged and then held tight
and then the more gentle

I know I do not regret the flight of the fly
that pushes the wings against the glass in the sun
that, like Icarus , because he wants to burn
touch lamps lit, set the fire in his pocket

Seeing the light in the hands of you
smile, speak and say things trivial
even lift up levees
useless against the thought that floods every hour tomorrow
I love and I Why fear

love in your mouth
bitter soul hold me close between the teeth and
are five, ten and twenty are
hundred years that are wrong and do not learn: how hard
stingy. Why
love in your mouth
bitter soul hold me close between the teeth and
are five, ten and twenty are
hundred years that are wrong and do not learn: how afraid

I go out with you col viso d’ogni giorno
ma mi nascondo dentro un turbine radioso
mi chiudo in petto un male insidioso
che non ha cura:
io amo ed ho paura

E non rimpiango la vita d’ogni giorno
cui indifferentemente passo affianco
e incomprensibilmente non mi stanco
di questa mia tortura:
io amo ed ho paura

E non accuso la bellezza straordinaria
che mi sprofonda scafandro in fondo al mare
solo vorrei prima che manchi l’aria
capire se tu mi potrai amare
prima di soffocare
se tu mi puoi amare

Perché è amaro nella tua bocca amore
sentirsi l’anima stretta fra i denti
scavate gallerie, gettate ponti
are a hundred years I live with fear

This pain pants and overwhelms
danzalo love, do not go back

overwhelm any fear of love and kiss me with your sweet tooth and give me a

... kiss with your mouth sweet

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Conati # 4

A moment of beauty

not pass a moment of beauty
know, it does not slip in time lived
remains hanging in no time grace
waiting for another moment increased.

stupid man can not remember
deflates when the heart of loving
of the moment when a full and strong
real life robbed his death.

Monday, May 3, 2010

G Shock Under 50 Dollars

How boring .... PROVO

.. I do not know ...

are days I read the newspapers online ... are days when I am silent .... I do not know how, but the interest in what goes down .. down .. down.

's my fault ... I do not know whether or not there is a reason for this. I know the history of Italy are always the same. So continuing my slow and inexorable alienation from this world ...

In any case, because no one can say that my last letter could be a pre suicide tell something happening in the world.

Another time an economic system kneels a nation and sentenced to life in debt with his neighbors who happen to jostle to send money. Of other nations are preparing for the collapse. And strength to help each other we will probably end all in this dark abyss. I saw people in the streets set fire to rubbish bins as their last resort to saying "do not want to be crushed" and numbered among the anarchists news jammers.
Apart from the fact that begins to bother me a lot to hear about anarchists happens every time a casino is the fact that Greece and all protests on TV there are only those who can be accused of being biased or otherwise not in the current capitalist system. The television news makes me laugh. Capitalism is slowly consuming the lives of millions of people living in what is known as the West developed. I do not know what will last. I hope just yet. Sooner or later most people will not believe this company and its information.
Maybe I'm just hoping to see other people like me not to feel alienated and wrong at the same time.

Who knows ... maybe something will happen sooner or later ...