Cost savings Lo shopping rende felici oppure no? Nessuno può dirlo in via generale, è una domanda a cui ognuno risponderà in modo diverso. L'atto di acquisto non rappresenta solo la manifestazione di un bisogno fisico ma anche di uno stato d'animo personale. Detto questo, va comunque considerato l'effetto "Ulisse", ossia la tentazione di fare qualcosa di cui poi ci si debba pentire. Ognuno deve imparare a riconoscere l'esistenza dei propri comportamenti impulsivi e prevenirli. In gioco c'è il denaro nel proprio portafoglio. Poiché lo shopping è una spesa, ossia una riduzione del vostro reddito, è buona norma valutare attentamente ogni aspetto prima di acquistare un qualsiasi prodotto. Proviamo a buttare giù un some practical advice:
- Never buy pulse. If you like to avoid buying a product immediately. Take 24 hours before doing so, and if you're still the same idea will mean that you really want.
- Compare prices. Competition between stores, hypermarkets and companies could save hundreds of euro each month. It 'a good idea to keep your receipt to compare the weekly shopping or take note of prices in different shops before buying a TV, an appliance or any other expenditure on durable goods. In the case of cars is always convenient to get at least 3-4 quotes from different dealers even the same brand. Sellers have margins of 5-10% discount to be applied on the price list and using the basis of the bargain sale.
- Avoid disposable. The disposable products are cheap but cause great amount of waste thrown into landfills or burned in incinerators.
- Avoid bulky packages. products packaged package with large, colorful and are made useless just to get an emotional purchase. Add nothing to the quality of the product by filling in a few minutes your garbage bag. Facilitating the purchase of products with packaging well rationalized will give a strong signal to manufacturers.
- Avoid goods from far away. goods produced in distant places can also have a lower price (eg in some countries the cost of labor is less), saving you. In fact, a purchase like this also implies negative effects: (a) the transport of goods generates more pollution. Local products are very close to the consumer and can help you increase local employment and help to reduce pollution from transport. (B) to encourage countries with low labor costs or lower employment protection increases forms of child exploitation in developing countries (Eg, the balls made by children in some Asian countries).
- the purchase directly from small farmers. you live in a condo? Formed a consumer group to purchase agricultural products, fruits, vegetables and vegetables directly from the small peasant farmers of the surrounding countryside to your city many euro saving on weekly shopping. Purchase prices will be considerably lower, thus helping local employment and the work of small farmers often exploited by large retailers.
- Create a group purchase. consumers have great power over the business but also the great disadvantage di essere isolati tra loro e quindi molto deboli. Provate a formare un gruppo di consumo di 15-20 persone, meglio se condomini in quanto avrete comunque modo di vedervi periodicamente per discutere anche altri argomenti. Contattate gli esercenti sotto casa o anche i piccoli supermercati chiedendo una convenzione o uno sconto sulla spesa offrendo loro in cambio di praticare gli acquisti presso la loro attività. Il loro interesse sarà immediato. Formando un gruppo di consumo potrete anche decidere di acquistare beni di consumo durevole presso lo stesso esercente in cambio di un forte sconto per tutti. Esempio decidere tutti di acquistare un medesimo TV color, frigorifero, una tenda per il balcone ecc. dallo stesso negoziante o installatore. In questi casi è sufficiente also be 4-5 people to get a big discount on the total expenditure.
- Reuse shopping bags. The argument is contradictory, while the use of paper bags can not be used as biodegradable plastic, and could be the other causes an increased cutting of trees to produce them. Best to use plastic bags can reduce their environmental impact. For example, using them to dispose of household trash or reuse them for subsequent expenditure. There are partially biodegradable plastics have a higher cost but allow a lower environmental impact. Ask your supermarket to use them. The best solution is however that easier and affordable for everyone: you buy a canvas bag and use it instead of plastic bags. Will thereby avoid the problem once and for all, the canvas bag can be reused for years and some have wheels like the old shopping carts of our grandmothers. A step back and make many forward.
- Recycle bottles of losing. Buying bottles of losing promotes the recycling of glass and reduces the amount of plastic bottles in the trash.
- Avoid the packaging of vegetables. fruits and vegetables sold loose without packaging and will let you touch the product and save the packaging. These cause a great deal of waste at the end of the cycle of consumption.
- Exchange newspapers and periodicals with colleagues and friends. Any newspaper or magazine paper consumption, or cut trees in some parts of the world. Often you buy a newspaper to read only a few pages, instead of throwing it lend to a colleague or friend. If you do not need the insert that are matching the paper can also reject it, rejected the inserts are returned to the publisher of the newspaper that, sooner or later, you may decide not to attach more.
- Use the cooler. The purchase of frozen products should be standardized by a cooler that can maintain a low temperature. From the moment you put them in the cart at the time in which they store in your freezer can take several hours. Using the cooler products obbligaranno not having to return to the freezer at low temperatures, thus avoiding a greater power consumption. In addition, thawing and refreezing foods can make you lose the nutritional characteristics, and in some cases, make them harmful to health.
- Read food labels. Before you buy a food product to dwell read the label, the ingredients list and the presence of dyes. The use of dyes meets the eye of those who but adds nothing to eat quality food. Try to evaluate a product through the label and ingredients, without getting influenced by the brand. You may find also save tens of € on your weekly shopping.
- cutlery and plastic cups. The plastic dishes are particularly suitable for grand occasions such as festivals, no one can deny that. Compared with metal cutlery and glasses, however, have the handicap of being a "disposable" and to increase the load of non-biodegradable waste. Daily use of traditional dishes for lunch a few people is the best route. It 's true, you have to wash them every time consuming soap and still have pollution, but will in any case a minor impact on the environment.